{3} Losing My Temper is Very Dangerous Apparently

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Hope and I sat on the floor of our shared room in the school. We were both reading all the spell books we could find to help find mom. If I could just do this one thing then I might make me feel a little better. All of this was my fault and now I have to fix it. Hope and I looked at the door when we heard knocking. I stood up and opened the door seeing Aunt Freya standing there. My mind went to something bad happened, "Oh no... What went wrong? Did something happen? Is everything okay?" I tried my best to make sure mine and Hope's little setup was hid. Hope walked over to stand by my side.

Aunt Freya shook her head, "Uh, oh, no, nothing. Everything is fine. Uh, no, your... Your father has search parties scouring every inch of the city. We'll find her."

I sighed in relief, "Thank god. I just saw you and I just... started thinking the worse. Why are you here if mom is still missing?"

Aunt Freya lifted up a paper bag so we could see, "Care package. Thought you and Hope could use a taste of home."

Hope took them from her, "So you drove all this way to bring us beignets?"

"You know, I figured with everything going on, you guys could use a friend." Aunt Freya shrugged at us with a smile.

"I don't need a friend. I'm completely fine..," Hope nudged me with her arm, "And so is Hope." I told her. It's great that Aunt Freya came to visit us, but we really needed to get back to work. We didn't have enough time to waste. Who knows what mom could be going through right now?

Aunt Freya nodded and looked behind us, "You know, I could be wrong, but, um, I think this is the part where you invite me in." Hope and I hesitated for a second. We glanced at each other before I slowly opened the door.

Hope nodded to her and placed the beignets on her dresser, "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah." Hope and I hurried to pick up all of the books. Aunt Freya walked in and looked around, closing the door behind her. When I was reaching for a book, she happened to look at it.

"Locator spells in ancient languages?" She asked us. "Thought you weren't allowed to do magic outside of the classroom."

Hope laughed a little, "Catch-up reading. I'm trying to make up for being suspended." She lied. Aunt Freya only hummed at her response.

"We have to keep up our grades somehow. You know, we really need to get back to studying, Aunt Freya." I said, picking up the last book and setting it on my nightstand.

Aunt Freya sat down on my bed as Hope and I stared at her. "Sure. Sure, I mean, I could just leave after an excruciating eleven hour drive to see my only two nieces," She laid back on the bad and then acted like an idea came to her. She sat up and stared back at us, "Or... We could get comfy, stuff our faces with deep-fried glory, and you could tell me about that cute boy you had hidden in your room last week, Hope." I laughed a little as I stared at my twin with a teasing smile.

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