27 - Hatched, Matched and Despatched

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The battle with the orcs was still ongoing albeit far from the city. Troops were still being sent to front lines, rogues and mages amongst them.

Units from the Crimson Blade were sent out and they worked closely with other guilds, relishing the advantage of important news from the network reaching their ears post-haste. This provided crucial intel as to the Horde's progress. It also enabled Sa'themar to ensure his rogues were always at the top of their game. He had his magi portal out those who had fought for days and replenish ranks with fresh assassins, priests and mages from headquarters.

Sauren and his two henchmen had played their part and with each encounter, their skill and resilience were fortified. Sa'themar could not help but feel pride in his son's achievements and with this came the realisation that the boy was a born leader. His methods at times left a sour taste in the guild leader's mouth, but he could not deny Sauren got the job done.

The war rolled on and the Horde's retreat to Khaz Modan was constantly hindered by the relentless Alliance armies. As the weeks passed, the exhausted and battered orcs shuffled into Wetlands and attempted to cross Thandol Span. This was another failure for the invaders from Draenor, they were forced further south and the battle continued.

Back in Lordaeron, it was nigh on three months since Capital City had been under siege and it had begun to reclaim some of its former lustre. The plaza having suffered the worst of the orcs' assault had been rid of almost all signs of battle - at least cosmetically.

The area had been restructured or rebuilt depending on the amount of damage it had endured and with the aid not only of skilled masons but also some very accommodating mages from both Dalaran and Quel'thalas, the city's "wounds" were healing at a steady pace. Capital City was once more becoming a thriving community. With the moratorium of its commerce behind them, the economy now rose as rapidly as the buildings which housed its businesses and families alike.

This particular morning brought two lots of happy news to Sauren. Having requested his breakfast in bed (a luxury he enjoyed when his father was not on the grounds) a valet arrived with a tray containing ham and eggs, some toast, coffee, The Lordaeron Bulletin (the local newspaper) and two letters; one written in a hand unknown to the half-elf.

Firstly, he opened the one which bore a familiar penmanship. Piper Alston. With a broad smile, he read the young woman's words:

 With a broad smile, he read the young woman's words:

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