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            I looked up and saw a white checkered ceiling that I had never seen before.  There were stains on most of the tiles, but nothing out of the ordinary.  There is a beam of light striking my eye from a three pane window to my right side where the sun stares into my soul.  Out of the corner of my eye, I see a small circular table that shines as if it were the sun.  On the table is an arrangement of flowers with a card in front of them.  I try to reach for the card from my bed, but then I notice that I have wires restricting me from any sudden or extended movements.

            The flowers are just sitting there, staring at me.  They are all vibrant shades of red and blue.  They just sit there, staring and filling myself with hope and joy for a reason I do not know.

            I examine the room a little more and I see a flat screen television mounted to the wall in front of me.  I realize that I have never seen this room before.  I now realize that this is not my room, or my house.  I look down to the foot of my bed and see a tray with a bowl of some soup and a small divided tray with a roast beef sandwich and a side of salad.  Next to that is a cup of what appears to be apple juice.

            I look at my legs and then up to my chest and notice I am under a thick and heavy blanket.  I lift the blanket and look at my clothes, but I only have a gown on.  My feet are very warm so I take a look and see that I have real thick socks with rubber grips on the bottom.

            There is an itch on my nose, but when I go to scratch it, I feel a tube.  I feel where the tube goes and it is up my nose and goes over the bed railing and to some sort of an air machine.  I hear this constant beep coming from my left.  I take a look and see a monitor facing the television.  It has a green line that is going up and down that beeps a lot.  I feel the wires and try to tug on them a little bit and feel an instance of pain on my skin next to my heart.  When I look at where it goes, I see a bandage.  I take a closer look at the bandage and see stains of red.  I feel it and my finger goes down into the bandage when I press with a little bit of pressure.

            I let out a slight and faint scream when I apply more and more pressure, so I stop.  I lift the bandage as much as I can and blood starts to pour out of what appears to be a hole in my chest.  I panic and apply pressure.  I looked everywhere around the room turning my head left and right and all over the place.  I finally come upon a bright red button that has a lady picture on it, so I press it.  Under my bed, I hear a ticking noise.  I look at my fingers and a white substance as if I had wiped paint on them.  I then look at the red button, the lady is smeared and I see a red flashing light to the rhythm of the beep…

Chapter One

3 years earlier…

            “We need him for this job!” The man says.  “But boss, I don’t know where he is, or even his last known location.”  Squint says.  “I don’t care if you know where he is or not, FIND HIM!”  Boss screams at Squint.

            Squint runs off and out of this darkened room.  He opens industrial sized doors and gets a breath of fresh air for the first time in hours.  “’Bout time I got to leave”, Squint says to himself.  He wraps his hand around a coffee stained piece of paper and puts it in his coat pocket.  He keeps both hands in his pockets and walks off. 

            As he reaches a gate and hears a loud buzzer goes off piercing his ears.  He flinches as the gate reels open on a thin cable wire.  To his left are a few cars parked parallel to the street with people walking just next to them.  He turns his head slowly to the right and sees the backs of more cars and people.

            In his pocket are a set of keys with a car key.  He takes a look at them and sees a silver and gold blended Chevrolet symbol.  There is sleek black 67’ super sport Camaro with two white racing stripes straight down the center of the car.  Squint assumes that is the car he is to take on the hunt for this guy.  The key is a perfect fit to the car’s key hole.  Once in the car, he starts the engine and hears the roar of the cars eight cylinder engine purr as he revs it a few times.  He turns the switch to his left down and his left signal light turns on blinking in the night.  He looks in his mirror and over his shoulder and sees nobody coming so he turns the wheel and accelerates the cars enough to get into the proper lane to his left.

            The car makes a beautiful noise as it roars past people.  A sign to his right says, “Speed limit 45” But his speedometer says eighty.  He lets a scream and laugh of joy out as he speeds up going faster and faster by the second.

            Squint feels this tingle flowing through his body head to toe the back to his arms and his fingers.  The street light ahead of him turns red, but he doesn’t notice for he is going too fast to realize it.  His lane is clear until a white car with an oddly shaped roof comes rolling behind him keeping up with him.  So he speeds up and the white car pulls to his left into the oncoming traffic lane dodging cars as they zoom past and in between the two speed demons.

            There is a sudden flicker of light behind the two and their mirrors light up with red and blue as if a party was going on in the distance.  The driver to Squint’s left shines a light to a piece of paper that says, “Follow me!”

            The driver pulls in front of him and he flashes his HI beams twice to signal the go ahead.  So as he follows this person, they go through a tight hole in a concrete wall and are now off road with cops on their tail.  Squint has no idea where he is going and now trusts this driver with his life.  A sudden left turn is made and he scrapes the back end as he whips around the turn going ninety miles per hour while dirt is flying through the air behind them and in front of Squint making it hard to see what is happening.

            A loud bang rumbles through the air and a burst of flames is seen behind the two drivers.  Squint thinks he hear something rock like scrape his door in a scattered rhythm. 

                                                                      ~~more coming soon~~        

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