trente deux

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"where the fuck is taehyung!" jimin yelled in frustration. he tried calling the younger until his phone literally died, no answer. he asked namjoon to text taehyung, no answer. and he called literally everyone himself and taehyung knew. he wasn't with any of them.

"what if we try looking for him?" namjoon suggested, throwing his phone away when for the hundredth time, taehyung didn't answer.

"where would he be? i don't even know where he would go without warning me," jimin stressed, tugging on his hair.

"maybe he's at the movies... the library?" namjoon knew taehyung wouldn't leave somewhere on his own. but what could've happened?

"fine, let's look."


it's been a few hours since jimin, namjoon, and seokjin went to look for taehyung. they didn't know whether or not they should contact police, or if this situation was just something silly.

"does taehyung have his phone on him?" namjoon asked the others.

"i believe so. it wasn't in the house," jimin answered.

"what if i track his phone down? there's an app for that," namjoon suggested, seokjin and jimin's eyes lighting up before turning into anger.

"why didn't you say that three hours ago!" seokjin scolded, whacking the back of his boyfriends head.

"i'm sorry! i could've not came up with that idea, ya'know," namjoon rolled his eyes at the guys.

"whatever.. let's just track him down!"


"he's in fucking daegu?" jimin questioned in disbelief. "is he trying to get himself killed?" he thought to himself.

"that's- that's what it says? is this thing accurate?" namjoon then questioned, squinting at the screen.

"here, add my phone in," seokjin suggested, grabbing the device from namjoon's hand.

"aw look at my boyfriend being all smart~," namjoon cooed, squishing seokjins cheeks together before kissing his lips softly.

"yuck," jimin scrunched up his nose in disgust.

"like you don't do that with tae~," namjoon teased.

"shut up," jimin whined. "i just want my taehyungie back!"

"okay, jeez, just give us a moment to figure this out," namjoon sighed.

jimin gave an annoyed look, frowning a bit.

"it seems as if this app is accurate. taehyung really is in daegu," seokjin finally announced, both boy's expressions shocked by the news.

"someone took him there," jimin whispered lowly.

how did he know someone 'took' taehyung there? you may ask. well jimin knows his boyfriend would never willingly go back there.

all they need to know is who 'kidnapped' the poor mute boy.

t-this is s-shit

wow i miss tae ;-;

gO fInD hIm aLreAdY yOu hoEs

i wAnT vMiNnNnnN

also uhh sorry for like not updating

i've got a lot of problems happening gdhdhhdhxhd iwannadie


i cant wait till this is over

but i'm struggling writing 'S.A.D | v.min'

a-anyone wanna h-help ;-;;

T H I N G S  I  C A N T  S A Y  O U T  L O U D | v.min / n.jinWhere stories live. Discover now