2. I Love You...!!

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Location: At Forth's Family Home.

Forth just leans on his bed headboard, he slowly removes the glasses... rubs his eyes to get rid of the lingering tiredness. He slowly closed his eyes to ease out the stress of working late night for his important meeting.

In his life he has always been thankful for many things, but mainly for the Love that surrounds him, he just turn to his left... admiring the face of the sleeping person with a peaceful look, this relaxed faced has the most beautiful red lips... make anyone feel envious.... This person sleeping besides him is in his own carefree world. This person, who has been with him through thick and thin, never once left his side.

Forth could still recall the past instances; the journey they both made together gives him a new determination to do anything for him. It just reminds him of his decision, which he took 5 years ago i.e. to marry him.... Yes!!!

It has been that long with this person, he can't believe it, but irony of life... the circumstances in which he married him were not justified, but he never regretted this decision. He is rather thankful to his parents and his best friends who were standing strong with him in these testing times.

Forth collects all the files and papers around him, clears the mess and walks back to his bed. He just back hugs the sleeping figure beside him, intending not to disturb, but that sleeping person has a mind of his own. He just turns and rests his head and hugs Forth while sleeping.

Forth just shook his head, he is not complaining.... rather is he enjoying the warmth of this sleepy head...with this Forth makes an attempt to calm his nerves...to relax his mind... to have that dream free sleep....

This is the same old dream, which is still fresh in his mind...that scar is so deep..it still hurts...he is not able to let it go.....



Location:Terrace of Forth's Dorm Building

The table is set with Beams favorite food, yes, he love to munch on something crispy. So today's menu is his favorite food along with these yummy side dishes.

Three years back, I confessed my feeling to him, today is the day to celebrate our romance, but there is one small glitch in our love circuit, we survived this without Beams parents knowing about it.

So now you know what I am afraid of...

I know it's complicated, his parents are very conservative, that's the reason I love him so much. He has those values in him, but today I want him to know... he will not face it all alone. I will face it , along with him, coz today I want to make it a day where we take our relationship to the next level. I want him not to ever forget this day...it is going to be so special; it is going to one of the biggest milestones in our life. 

I am all set with the table, with these candles and neon lights, making the pathway towards the table. I have bought the best wine to make it more special; I know that sound so cheesy and classy at the sometime.

Beam slowly walks toward the entry... opens the door, I could see that surprise expression on his face. But there is some kind of nervousness, the way in which he is contemplating.... is he troubled with his studies... It's important for both of us as he will go for his Internship in Hospital and I will start off with a real job...more like practice before I join my dad.

I hold Beam's both hands; lead him to this particular spot just like a spotlight....to let him know he got all my attention from the beginning.

I look into his eyes and start speaking without wasting anytime....my heart is beating so fast....my blood vessels throb and pulsate....damn I am a nervous wreck..

"You have made me a person who can believe, you made me a dreamer...I never thought I will ever get myself into a relationship. Though chasing you was so difficult due to your stubbornness... you made me beg you to be my 'boyfriend'. But it's all worth it.... isn't it."

Beam just gives a thin smile, I know this reaction is not anticipated from him...but I still keep doing my task in hand.

"I guess it's high time to be a monogamist....I truly believe in it."

"Well, let me put it this way, I will never break-up with you over a stupid fight...which I never did. Secondly, I am not at all clingy, I am exceptionally good in one department...which makes you crazy about me....you know what I am hinting to...!!"

With that Beam gives me that weird look as if he didn't get it....I just sigh...

"I am so good in bed, every time we do it...you have always complimented me with your moan's." I wiggled my eyebrows to which he just snorts and rolls his eyes.

"I am a good listener, supper possessive, and I always have ...... and will continue to initiate communication no matter what, and I know I am just talking irrelevant you already know everything about me."

Beam is still with that thin smile, no change in expression, no anticipation in those eye....he didn't bother to look around on the decorations...I still continue.

I take my guitar and start strumming this song...

I was so lost in it, for few min I forgot to get down on one knee...I just rushed and took out the ring, which I got to propose my lovely Beam....

"Beam you have captured my heart, you have always returned my love....will you continue doing it for entire life....Will you marry me"

The next thing, which Beam did, really took me by surprised....

"I am sorry Forth, I can't do this....

Let's break-up."

It was like a lightning struck on me, I couldn't move a muscle...

but I somehow gathered some strength... just grabbed his hand.

Beam was a about to go...I just looked with those stupefied expression..... still not able to accept this so called reality.

"Beam did I do something wrong, did I hurt you in some way...I am surprised you didn't even tell me the legitimate reason for break-up"

Beam didn't bother to give any explanation, he just wanted to go from there...it looked as if this entire ambience gave him a chocking feeling. He turned, looked deep into my eyes and said, "Forth we can't continue like this, this is really not working. It's better that we go our separate ways.... Goodbye Forth"

With that goodbye everything was over.

I just sat there with the box of ring in my hand, slowly I started to feel numb...before I could understand tears begin to fall down...I felt so much pain.

In an instance my world came crashing down....

Flashback ends...

I got up panicked, still sweating profusely...panting as my heart was beating fast.

I saw two arms around me comforting me....I just hugged those arms back...

I always get comforted by him, this is now my life....now Pete is everything to me.

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