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Belle studied her surroundings, a confused expression painted on her face. She was in a dense forest, surrounded by trees at least ten feet tall. In the distance she could see a house, more like a run down shack but still standing behind the think layer of trees. The sky was pitch black in darkness with not a star in sight and the only reason she could see was the fact that there was light coming from the house.

Suddenly Belle heard voices, voices fast approaching her and she made a move to hide but her feet were stuck to the ground.
"What the hell!" She whispered harshly as she physically tried to lift her leg off the ground but still it wouldn't move. The voices now an earshot away and Belle could now see three men coming her way.
"Did you find out more?" A gruff voice asked.

The man who'd spoken stopped mid walk and turned in the direction of Belle and it was then Belle knew she was screwed. However much to her surprise, he'd acted like she wasn't even there.
"I'm sorry sir, I was unable to gain anymore information."
The man suddenly looked furious and turned back to  him, "What did I tell you Sam?" The man asked.
Sam visibly gulped, "To come back with answers or don't come back at all..."

And the man raised his eyebrows, "Exactly." And as fast as lightning Sam was on the floor dead.
Belle screamed out loud but none of them seemed to hear her as she tried constantly to run in the opposite direction but again, her legs wouldn't move.
"Was that really necessary Lucas?" The other man asked.
Lucas? As in leader of the rogues Lucas?
"That's what happens when someone pisses me off Colin!"

Belle took a good look at him, he was tall and lean with dark curls and brown eyes that sparkled with anger.
"When should Rick be arriving back?" Colin asked.
Lucas smirked, "Soon."
Colin raised his eyebrows, "How'd it go?"
"Unfortunately Demetri is still alive." Belle let out sigh of relief.
"And his human?"
She saw Lucas visibly tense, "She got away."

They were talking about her, "If I ever see Demetri myself he won't be so lucky." Lucas' fist tightened.
"And his mate?"
Lucas smirked, "I hear she's beautiful, maybe I'll keep her for myself."
Belle could feel her anger and fear rising, keep her for himself? Over her dead body!

"What's the next stage of the plan?" Colin asked.
Lucas looked thoughtful, "I'm going to send a troop to scout Alpha Ronan's land, find a weak spot and attack."
Belle gasped, oh no she had to warn him! Belle wasn't more than ten meters away from them and suddenly she wondered how the hell this was possible! What the hell was happening? Was she invisible? What was going on?

"Once a weakness is found, I'll kill Ronan and take his land and his pack." Lucas smirked.
"And after that?"

The suddenly Belle was shaken awake and her eyes bulged out of their sockets as she took in her surroundings. She was still with Jillian and little Ana was still asleep beside her. So that was just a dream— no it couldn't be just a dream. She'd never seen any of these people before so her subconscious could have never made them up! This had to be some kind of vision! Jillian suddenly ran into the living room, "He's here!"

Belle immediately bolted from the couch and to the door to see both him and Kaden approaching them. Unfortunately Ana beat her to his arms as she raced forward and Demetri picked her up kissing her cheek.
"I missed you." He said putting her down.
Jillian hugged her son and as soon as she let him go his eyes seemed to be scanning the area for someone. Belle stood by the door and when his eyes finally came into contact with her, she couldn't hold back her emotions.

She raced towards him and jumped into his arms, "I was so scared!" She admitting a few loose tears falling from her eyes.
"You— You— could have been seriously injured— or —or worse!" She hiccuped as she tucked her nose into his neck.
"No, baby I'd always come back to you." He whispered into her ear.
"Me and you."
"Me and you." She repeated.

"I had to go through the possibility of losing you twice too soon." She complained, not letting go of him.
She pulled back to get a better look at him, her eyes traveling his body to look for any injuries.
"I'm fine." He mumbled leaning forward to kiss her lips.
She hummed ignoring him, "No!" She pointed to fresh blood on his shirt, "There's blood here!"

He rolled his eyes at her, "Belle—" he groaned as she tugged his arm.
"I'm taking you inside."
"God woman." He mumbled and Belle smiled.

Belle sat Demetri down on the couch and ran in search of a first aid kit, which Jillian graciously provided. Belle knew he was going to 'heal' soon but she wanted to see that he was okay and even though he'd put up a fight at first, he was letting her do what she wanted. She cleaned his wound and applied ointment and a bandage and smiled; satisfied with her work.
"Happy now?" Demetri asked.
Belle rolled her eyes nodding, "Very."

He shook his head at her and Belle suddenly frowned, realization dawning on her that she couldn't live without him. She bit her lip frantically, so much for trying not to get attached. Taking a deep breath she sighed, well it's too late to protect herself from her feelings; so she grabbed Demetri's hand and kissed it.
"There's something I need to tell you."

She related her dream to him and Demetri sat beside her stoic, taking in every word.
"Describe Lucas."
and Belle did and Demetri suddenly looked alarmed, "Belle, that's exactly what he looks like—"
He gulped reaching for a phone, "I need to get a hold of Ronan immediately and alert him to the threat. I'll also call Fay and Christopher and alert them of the events."

"Do you think everything will be okay?" She asked nervously.
She searched Demetri's face for any sign of worry but he had his Alpha face on, "It will be okay; and Belle," he paused, "I will never let him get you!" He growled.
"I know." She whispered softly, Demetri placed a loving kiss to her forehead and walked off with the phone in his hand.

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