Hateful Tears

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Almost everyone had just gotten back from dance rehearsal, Momo staying to practice longer and Dahyun staying behind to watch her, and went into their dorms. Sana decided to hang out in Jeongyeon's room, wanting a break from the other members. She sat on Momo's and Jeongyeon's shared bed as Jeongyeon straightened up. Sana posted on the groups Instagram, just the normal selfie and caption. She tossed her phone aside and sat on the bed, her legs folded under her.

"Hey Jeong~?" Sana spoke in a soft voice as she watched the other girl clean with a smile.

"Yes my wonderful wife?" Jeongyeon turned to Sana and stood in front of her, smiling softly.

"Why are you cleaning? We just got back from a busy day and you're still doing work." Sana pouted as she got up, wrapping her arms around Jeongyeon's neck. Sana thought for a second that she saw Jeongyeon blush from Sana's affection.

"Well, um, I guess it's because it really keeps my mind clear and helps me relax." Jeongyeon looked up for a second and nodded, satisfied with her answer. "May I ask you a question Sana?"

"Yeah that makes sense! And of course you can, you can ask me anything Jeong~," Sana gave Jeongyeon her classic puppy dog eyes.

"Well, um..." Jeongyeon stopped, to Sana it seemed like Jeongyeon was thinking on her feet, like she had a question planned but had to ditch it, "I was gonna ask was what position do you usually sleep in? I think Momo was planning on spending the night with Dahyun and I was thinking you could spend the night in my room."

Sana's heart fell a little as she got asked the question she was sure wasn't on Jeongyeon's mind, but her smile was still on her face, "oh on my side really. I do mumble in my sleep though." Jeongyeon nodded and smiled, the two of them standing in silence for a while, looking into each others eyes.

Eventually Jeongyeon broke the silence, light pink tracing her cheeks, "I'm, uh, gonna get back to cleaning." Although she was the first to speak she was the last to move. Sana nodding and then sitting back on the bed. Jeongyeon stared at Sana for a bit before returning to her cleaning. Sana got back on her phone, texting and scrolling through posts on Instagram. Sana went back to check her selfie and scroll through the comments. As she scrolled her eye caught something 'Ew go away Sana. Where is everyone else?' and a comment right above it that read 'Too bad the plastic surgery failed huh?' It was then she started reading more hate comments, her brain ignoring the positive ones and reading (even sometimes re-reading certain comments). She started overthinking. Am I the least favorite Twice member? How long have people note liked me? Does every fan feel this way? Does the group feel this way? Before she knew it Sana's eyes were filled to the brim with tears. Jeongyeon noticed and stopped, mid clean, and looked at the younger girl, confused and concerned.

"Sana. you okay?" Jeongyeon walked over to the other girl and sat across from her.

Sana's eyes were still glued to the screen as she spoke in a soft and broken voice, "yeah. Just fine Jeong. Why do you ask?" Tears rolled down Sana's cheeks as she shook gently. Jeongyeon gently took the phone from Sana's hand and read some of the messages, her face twisting in anger at some of the comments.

"Sana I," Jeongyeon looked at Sana, speechless, as Sana sat there, crying and shaking gently. Jeongyeon set the phone aside and wrapped Sana in her arms, letting the girl cry on her chest as she rubbed her back. They sat there in silence for a bit as Sana cried.

Eventually Sana spoke up, "Do you guys hate me? Do the fans hate me? Am I really that ugly?" Jeongyeon frowned at Sana's words, knowing that those comments deeply hurt Sana.

Jeongyeon thought for a second before lifting up Sana's chin, causing the girl to look up at her, tears still in her eyes, "Sana, I don't hate you and I know for a fact no other member hates you either. The fans don't hate you either, if they do they're not true friends. And Sana, believe me when I say this, you are the most beautiful member of Twice. You make my heart flutter and the butterflies in my stomach flutter more than they should. You're beautiful and brilliant and I love you." Jeongyeon wrapped Sana in her arms and hummed softly, rubbing Sana's back. Eventually Sana's tears stopped and the girl was released from Jeongyeon's arms.

"What happened Sana?" Jeongyeon was still holding Sana's hand, rubbing the back of it with her thumb as she spoke in a quiet tone, looking into the other girls eyes.

"I don't know Jeong, I just noticed one comment then another and another. Eventually it was all I focused on and it got to me I guess." Sana sighed and looked down.

She saw Jeongyeon take her hand and felt the older girl kiss it softly and heard her whisper, "you're my beautiful wife Sana. Don't let them get to you, I'm always here if you need a shoulder to cry on. Okay?"

Sana's eyes met Jeongyeon's as she gave a weak smile and nodded. For the rest of the night Sana stayed off her phone and played games with Jeongyeon. Momo and Dahyun came back and they agreed it'd be best if Sana stayed the night with Jeongyeon, leaving the rest of the girls to figure out their sleeping situations.

From that night on Sana and Jeongyeon decided to let Jeongyeon scroll through the comments, deleting the hateful ones and reading out the best one's to Sana.

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