Chapter 2

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Soooo hope you guys enjoy this chapter 😄!!!
Dedicated to Cee_Cee_05 go follow because they are awesome and give great freed back and I never got around to doing this for them so....HERE IT IS FOLKS😂

            I looked upon the pastor, as he continued his sermon on liars and their chance to be saved. That should it be to late the way they will rot for all eternity in the immortal pits of hell.

            My mother is looking on screaming 'amen' with all the other people in the church except a few men and Ms.Roche, a recently widowed single mother, who still walked around in mourning clothes. I'd only talked to her a few times, but I knew she desperately missed her husband.

            The way she was carrying on about their great times together before ... well, before he killed himself in front of the garden in their back yard by taking a gun and ... well I'm pretty sure you can guess what he did back their.

          Even my parents had felt sympathy for her situation, which by that I mean they didn't start off the conversation with something along the lines of, 'Seeing as he killed himself, you do realize he is going to hell, right? Never seeing him again as long as you're a good woman', and they would've considering that was all they were talking about at dinner that night after finding out what happened.

           I looked away from Ms.Roche as she looked up from her lap. Turning to look directly at me. A crimson blush set on my cheeks. I felt even worse as I recalled what my  parents did say albeit not too friendly but at least they didn't spot that 'Meet your husband in hell', bullshit.

          They just barely hid their contempt for the poor woman. The only person she has now is her son Nathan. Me and Nathan are actually best friends not that my parent would ever accept to acknowledge the fact that I have someone they didn't hand pick the selves as my best friend they met him once and told me they never wanted to see him again.

           We were in fifth grade. My mom didn't like his mother all that much either. Nathan's mom and my mom used to be best friends. Nathan's mom was dating my dad when they were in highschool. They broke up when they got accepted into different colleges. Coincidentally college is where my parents reunited, hit it off and started dating.

            There was from what I learned from Nathan, a big fight between our mothers. His mom feeling betrayed, that her best friend would date her ex boyfriend she knew she was in love with, ended their friendship.

           Me and Nathan didn't care. We didn't even worry about crap like that. His mom and I were a bit akward around each other whenever the subject of my parents came up but we were getting over it and after ten years of me and her son being bestfriends she treated me like her own son. Which is only one of the reasons why I hate the way my parents treated her, another being how kind she is to everyone in general. Sometimes I wish she were my mom.

           Then again I don't think I could stand being brothers with Nathan. Not with how I feel about him at least.


I hope you guys enjoyed!!! Next update on tuesday.

Until then let me know what you think of the story and their characters so far.

And sorry for it beings so boring but for future events their background  and previous events are a nessecity.


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