The end?

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You did it so abruptly, like you were doing if for the sake of doing it. I hadn't seen this coming at all.

You broke my heart for the first time. My first heart break from my first love. It felt like my heart was shattered beyond repair.

Nearly 6 months in we were still quite as happy (so I had thought). We did so much together. I dreamt about us at night and I'd brag to my friends about you.

Suddenly that all ended.
There was no proper reason.
Merrily an excuse.
A pathetic one at that.

You said to me,
"I think we should break up"
Those words meeting my eyes was like being stabbed in the eyes and heart with a knife.
The minute those heart breaking words began to proses I broke down crying. You didn't know that but my friends soon did.

I can't even vaguely remember what happened after you broke up with me. All I remember if nearly vomiting into the toilet from crying that much.

My best friend couldn't even understand me I was that traumatic. I cried and cried on the phone to her. She longed to be with me to comfort me, but it was like 9pm, but luckily I would soon see her in school the next day.

It was hard for me trying to come in with a smile on my face as I usually would. In side I was breaking but I wouldn't show it because to my friends I'm the happy cheerful friend and if I'm upset then it just makes everything depressing. I'm the one to lighten the mood, I may not always do it right but even when I don't it's still funny how I try.

I still wanted you as my friend I didn't want to loose you. As much as I knew "you can't be friends with ur ex's", I still wanted you in my life. Not only had you been my boyfriend but you became one of my best friends, but unfortunately that segment of my life seemed to shatter before me.

What to do now?!
We were still so called "friends" but how would you manage that after how long we spent together.
What to do now?!
I honestly didn't know, for once I was clueless, scared and heart broken.

I was left with what once had been some sort of love story shattered to smithereens in my head. Visible through my eyes, feeling in my heart.


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