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You were the first,
You were MY first.

You started off being a guy I didn't even know. All the mysteries. All that were to hopefully be uncovered. I longed to talk to you, yet I barely even knew what u looked like or a matter of fact knew anything about u. To be honest I didn't even know why I pleaded so bad in my dreams that we'd talk.

I had had your Snapchat for a nearly two weeks now yet I still had not pussied up and texted you. Every day I would stare at the blank screen of my iPhone anxiously wondering, hoping, you were perhaps doing the same for me. I would wonder away from my phone and the split second I heard the "PING" of what I hoped was you texting me, I'd be back to my phone faster than a bullet being shot from a gun. To sadly being disappointed to see either a friend from schools name or a notification my phone needed charging. Disappointment filled my body every time, not to say I was always happy if I saw my best friends names, but you don't understand the feeling of hope I'd been longing for being shattered by a different name. It was like my heart stopping and being dropped after racing 90 for them few seconds it took me to look at my phone.

For the first time ever you sent me "streaks". The excitement that filled my body was unbearable, my face was in agony from smiling so much. I know what your probably think "it's only streaks", but not only was it "streaks" , but a chance for me to text you a chance I'd been longing for for weeks.

I replied to you, but in the snap was the results of the incident that happened earlier that day in school. You replied back to me at the sight of my two door crushed fingers. I don't know if you replied because you had pity for me or felt a form of sympathy for me but you did, and I'm glad you did as we didn't stop talking.

We spoke for hours upon hours about everything and anything. I learnt that you had a dog, a golden retriever with a New Zealand name to be precise, I also found out that you love fitness (unlike me I couldn't give two shits).

By the end of that day I new what I thought was everything about you. I was in love with you from what my imagination described for me was a
golden light brown head of hair to blue shimmery eyes and to your size 7 foot (I had already seen a picture of you so I had a brief description of what you looked like). I had never felt this way about a person in my life. It felt amazing yet upsetting. Deep down inside, right at the back of my head there was the small thought of disappointment and worry of being let down, but I kept pushing it further and further back in my mind. I kept reminding my self of how well we got on talking and how we clicked and I chose to ignore the worry of it not working out.

The last words you said to me that day were,

"Bye talk to you tomorrow".

You was planning on talking to me again the next day. The rush of happiness that plummeted through my body at that moment in time was unbelievable. I swear I couldn't sleep that night. Lying there awake in bed with the curiosity of what lied ahead of me the next day.


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