Chapter 14

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It's been a week since Klaus, Rebekah, Uncle Damon, Uncle Stefan and Uncle Jeremy went on the mission to bring back Mom. Long story short they didn't come back with her, to say I was upset is an understatement.

"But why?" I had cried when Aunt Elena told me the news.

"Because someone ripped off Klaus and it was false information" Aunt Elena explained, she was on her knees in front of me and holding my hands.

"Why would someone do that?" I questioned her.

She shrugged before answering. "Some people are bad"

Bad? All the people I know are pretty good.

"Some people are Jerks" Rachel interjected from where she sat on the couch. Aunt Elena nodded along to her daughters words.

"Yeah and some are dishonest, those are the ones you have to look out for when you're older" Aunt Elena smiled at me.

"Ugh! Whoever tipped dad off wrong needs to be punished" I growled.

"Trust me he is" Muttered Aunt Elena, I don't think I was supposed to hear it so I didn't say anything about it.

Aunt Elena got up from where she was in front of me on the floor and left the room but not before she kissed my cheek and petted my head.

That was how I had taken the News.

Now it's a week later, were still in New Orleans and there have been no tips.


I am tired of being in this hell hole. There's nothing to do all day and all Caitlin does is complain.

"Ugh, when are we getting out of this hell hole?" I groaned into thin air. For once the guard wasn't outside the cell holding the black revolver through the bars and provoking us.

"Whenever someone comes and saves us" Caitlin answered. I turned to look at where she lay, spread out on the floor.

"And who would that be?" I questioned sitting up straighter as one particular person came to mind. Klaus.

"I don't know.......Klaus?" She smirked at me, I gasped silently.

"How do you know Klaus?" I questioned suspiciously. I wasn't jealous I was just curious.

"Oh I don't, you talk about him in your sleep every night" Smirked Caitlin. Relief and worry spread through my body as I heard this bit of information. Relief because she didn't know Klaus personally but worry because.......I've been talking about him in my sleep! what have I said?

"Mm" I mumbled to myself, turning back to looking at the wall, the guard had gotten his nasty attitude back and took the red ball when I bounced it too hard and it accidentally bounced outside the Cell.

When are we going to be saved? Are we going to be saved? wait.....Am I going to be saved? who knows if Klaus will save Caitlin.


I breathed hard as Klaus dropped me, finally finished with my beating of the day, he comes in everyday at the same time.

"Robert" The same voice from before whispered from nowhere. I didn't answer I just waited for the usual message.

"He's near, he's coming soon" Oh that's new, it's always the same message: Don't let them find her (Caroline) until he comes, I still haven't figured out who "he" is but I figured out who "she" is.

"What?" I asked the air confusedly.

"He's near, be prepared" The voice laughed while it faded away.

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