Dreams and sucky Reality

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Caroline stared at the woman whom she thought died those many years ago. What was Jewels doing here anyways? what business did she have where Tyler was concerned? Sure she was a "friend" of Mason Lockwood, Tyler's uncle, but since he died does she really have a place here? Does she really deserve to be around Tyler? the answer to these questions was a big No, so why was Jewels standing at the top if the white marble staircase smiling at Caroline like they were long lost friends?

"Caroline! So nice to see you again!" Jewels exclaimed stepping forward a but making the crowd shift at once. Many of the surrounding people moved when Jewels moved as if to protect Jewels from Caroline, Caroline couldn't lie, she would love to hurt Jewels but what would be the point? What happened, happened and her and Tyler don't even date anymore. "How've you been?" Jewels sickly sweet voice broke Caroline out of her swirling thoughts and back to the present where she was stood facing the woman who ruined her life with a large crowd around them.

"......Fine" Caroline answered slowly. She wasn't about to be friends with Jewels even if it was what felt like forever ago that she was ruining her life. Jewels face broke out into a huge grin and she stepped towards Caroline again. Once again the crowd moved with her making Caroline frown.

"Guys, It's fine" Jewels chuckled to the closest male. The males muscles bulged from underneath his tight shirt but Caroline wasn't scared of him, she was just as strong maybe(if she had been fed correctly) she was strong than him.

"Are you sure Miss?" His deep voice tried to whisper but Caroline heard. Miss? why was he calling her Miss?

"Yes" Jewels laughed turning back to face Caroline "Caroline wouldn't hurt me, Sure we have a very painful past but we have gotten over that, Right Caroline?" Jewels finished sending her a genuine smile. Has she gotten over what Jewels tried to do to her?

"Yes" Caroline answered without thinking making the male next to her step back and put his meaty hands behind his back.

"Well now that that's sorted" Jewels clapped stepping forward and this time nobody moved with her. "Mind telling me what's going on?" Jewels looked between Caroline and Tyler then to Hayley then back to Caroline, Tyler spoke first.

"Nothing" He lied. "We were just have a.......discussion" Tyler locked eyes with Caroline and Caroline(try as she might) couldn't look away.

"A discussion?" Jewels sounded like she didn't believe a word he had said "I heard yelling" She smirked.

"Yeah I yelled" Caroline spoke up from behind her. Jewels turned to look at Caroline but her eyes instantly locked on someone or something else behind her.


The Mikaleson house was busy the next morning. Klaus and Rebekah were scurrying about with pieces of paper in their hands and their heads together while Aunt Elena and Uncle Damon would distract Lilliana but she noticed what was going on, she couldn't help but notice. Aunt Elena and Uncle Damon seemed to be on speaking terms again but once and a while Aunt Elena would send a glare his way and he would instantly mouth 'I'm Sorry' back to her. Aunt Elena and Uncle Damon distracted Lilliana with baking today. They were meant to be making cookies but it wasn't going so well. There was flour all over the floor and mix all over the counter and pans while oil was mixed with the flour on the floor and the sink was pilled with dishes they had used but ended up not needing.

"What is that smell?" Aunt Bonnie's voice echoed through the kitchen as she stepped inside. Aunt Bonnie looked around at the mess then turned her dark eyes on the three of them. "What happened in here?"

"Well" Uncle Damon stepped forward, his flour covered hands going to his hips and leaving a white hand print on his shirt and jeans. "You see the Flour monster attacked us and we defeated it with our magic wands" Uncle Damon's lip curled up but Aunt Bonnie's eyes narrowed, she got a dangerous look in her eyes and Lilliana immediately ducked for cover, just in time too because a jet of red sparks flew up and hit the spot where she was and would have gotten hit if she didn't move.

"Anyways!" Aunt Elena shouted over the yells that had broke out between Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Damon. Lilliana watched as Aunt Elena stepped Between the two heaving chests and pushed her arms out thus, separating them further. "Where are the girls?" Aunt Elena questioned Aunt Bonnie. Lilliana knew she only did this so she could take her mind off Uncle Damon's joke and it worked magically..... Aunt Bonnie started to go into full detail of how she had sent Rachel and Sania home so they could stay with their Cousin until they found Caroline and took her home. Lilliana, saddened by the news, snuck out of the kitchen and into her favorite room in the house; Her Fathers study. Today, however, the door was locked and muffled voices were coming from it so she opted for the second choice; The Flower Garden. In the flower garden many colors from shocking pink to Royal purple were waving slightly in the breeze. Lilliana sat down, closed her eyes and immediately fell into a deep sleep.

Lilliana walked along a path that led to what looked like an old abandoned house. The windows were boarded up and their was caution tape around the front door, but somehow Lilliana knew that someone was in the house so she continued walking until she finally got to the front door. Lilliana turned the chrome doorknob and pushed the door open where it opened up into a huge entrance hall. She'd been right; Someone does live here.. Grand staircases took up the right and left and seemed to lead to further back into the house, these called to Lilliana as if she was supposed to climb them so she did. Lilliana climbed the right set of steps and immediately came to a longer corridor where a group was standing in the middle, tensely. Lilliana tip toed quietly towards the scene where she saw two blonde women, a dark haired guy and a dark haired woman standing in an almost circle. Lilliana had to do a double take at one of the blonde woman and sure enough, when she looked again she recognized the blue eyes. "Mom?!" She called but Caroline didn't look over her shoulder to acknowledge her, frowning Lilliana began making her way through the crowd and when she finally emerged (after much struggle) she walked slowly towards her mother, hand outstretched........

A/N Thanks guys! for reading, voting and leaving comments! I am sorry that I haven't been updating regularly but I have been writing a new fanfic about my newest obsession (Harry Potter!) but it's not on Wattpad.....YET! when it does get on here will you guys check it out? Thanks again!

-Britt :)

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