Chapter 1

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Louis' POV.

Ever since that day, the day that changed my whole life, the day Harry Styles broke up with me, I've been locked in my room, broken, crying, and wondering why he would ever leave me.

''We'll be together, forever and always.'' He said.


That was complete bullshit. He left me, he ignores me, ever since that day, he's never spoken to me, or ever looked at me. 

I was depressed, looking up on my internet browser,

''Louis Tomlinson Sucks''

''Louis Tomlinson shit''

''louis tomlinson worthless''

''louis tomlinson should die''

And horrid things would pop up, and I would cry in my bathroom, slicing my skin with sharp razor blades to bring the pain I moarned for.

Right now I was locked up in my bathroom, reading the horrid things on my phone, razor blade in hand. A fresh cut was framed on my left wrist, but I wanted more.

I clicked on a tumblr post, 

How in the world did louis make it into the band? Obviously, he doesn't deserve being in the band. His voice is scratchy and high pitched, he is the worst singer ever. He doesn't deserve anything he has gained. He is really ugly, nothing about him is good. I wouldn't even care if he killed himself, he should kill himself in fact, because he is worthless. He is fat, he isn't strong at all, he is a weakling, for being the oldest in the band. Pity. Pity is all he has, he was so bad that simon couldn't stand saying no. I wouldn't be suprised if they kicked him off the band, I mean he has the worst voice ever. He think's he's funny, but he's not. 

I let out a strangled sob, bringing the razor blade to my wrist, cutting my wrist for every fowl word she said about me.

''Worst singer ever'' Cut.

''Ugly'' Cut.

''Kill himself'' Cut. Deep cut.

''Worthless'' Cut.

''Fat'' Cut.

''Weak'' Cut.

''Not funny'' Cut.

''Pity'' Cut.

By this time, I had 8 fresh cuts littered around my wrist, oozing out red blood. I was going light headed, but at the moment I didn't care. My tear drops blended with the blood, and I realized that I spelt out a word without noticing.


Thats what it is, i'm torn. 

I stand up from my spot, and walk over to the sink, rinsing the blood off my arm. Grabbing a wet wash cloth, I clean up the blood from the floor, and once I do, I hide the cloth in a bag and throw it away, Not wanting to leave any evidence of my cutting.

Grabbing my phone and making sure I didn't look like I was crying, I open the door and pull down my sleeve. I look up and see Harry standing there, Looking like he was about to knock.

''Get the fuck out of my way'' He roared, pushing past me into the restroom. 

I frown at his statement, he hasn't spoken to me in 5 months and thats his first sentence? I close my eyes and blink the tears away from my eyes. I wince as I hear the door slam shut, but I saunter away into my room, and lock the door.

The other boys were out and getting food from Taco Bell, while me and Harry were stuck at home. It was only us two. I wanted to say against the world, but that could never happen now, since he broke up with me. I thought it was true love, but I have forgotten what true love actually is. I don't believe in true love anymore. Whenever I saw a cute couple, I grimaced in disgust. Two foolish kids who think they are in love, but love is a myth, love isn't real. 

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