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I don't know what to say everyone thought that I wasn't alive and now someone's after me. So many things have been happening and it just doesn't make sense."We will figure it out" said Katie. They drove for a few more hours until they reached a dead end. Then I realized we had to hike the rest of the way. It was sunset and the place looked very deserted. All that I could see was cliffs and sand. We finally stopped at a huge cliff. "We are finally here" Katie whispered as she scanned her finger on a nearby rock that opened the door. We all settled in the place was nice and their was a camera room. Katie why do u have a house in a rock in the middle of the desert I said. Her mom answered with "this used to be where your parents and i hung out and things might seem complicated but i will explain tomorrow just get some rest".

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2018 ⏰

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