Invisibility & Sunflower Microphones

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1 4 : 1 8

S e p t  0 8,  2 0 1 6

NEW KIDS DON'T GET much glances. It's not because people are trying to be rude or anything - no it's not exactly that. It's more due to the fact that their interests fade and they have their own familiar friend group that doesn't need an extension to - or that's what they believe ... that no other additions are truly needed to a possibility.

Not that anyone would take the liking to admitting this.

So in all honesty sometimes it's just one of those circumstances where it doesn't matter if your one of the nicest people someone would ever meet - your not going to crescendo your way into the heart of the friend family aura of that group. Or any group.

But then again it could be that new kids were frequent due to being in a city.

Row had her knees propped up against her chest as she unconsciously chewed on the sleeves of her knitted sweater. She was currently indulged in a book she found earlier in the library.

She was swarming her way through the deepest part of the forest in search of a waterfall that'd take her to another dimension.

She was biting her lip to keep herself from grinning when she felt a presence approach near her. Her eyes peered up and took in the appearance of a boy.

The new kid.

His hair was a dirty blondish color - appearing a light brown in the dark - and had stature that appeared to be a good 5'9 with a soccer build. Row tilted her head to attempt to get a better look when he suddenly turned directly towards her.

Her skin burned as his iris blue eyes pierced hers.

She quickly willed her vision down and tried to draw herself back into her book. Unfortunately she could still feel his eyes lingering with curiosity for a few seconds longer than necessary until he finally looked away to exit the library.

She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding as she glanced at the library doors. She finds herself silently wishing the boy would meet someone to make him feel less like a newbie. She'd never understand that feeling - but she knows that any situation would be better if she could count on someone to help endure it.

She couldn't really explain it ... but his eyes had this look in it that made her wish that he'd feel okay in this school. Cause she had a feeling that sometimes the school had its own way of making someone feel unwanted ... invisible.

Her eyes trailed to her side where she accidentally left her cam recorder on, so flipping it shut she shook her head and focused in on her book.      ❚❚


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S e p t  1 1,  2 0 1 6

"Morning Hun, there's a few fresh pots down in the storage room," her co-worker Kercy said as she shuffled bags of soil in her hands.

"Okay," she muttered as she made her way towards the back of the shop. Grabbing a few orange-brown tinted pots, she made her way towards the front of the shop to the garden house attached to its side.

Her mother was a the owner of the Teinte verte - Flower Shop and Restaurant. It was really small and slightly decaying. Apparently it had been her grandmother's and just passed it down for her mother to take care of due to their shared interest in Botany.

She begun to arrange to the the pots and pour in the soil.

"Row - I need you to water the sunflowers and the plants in section c," Kercy yelled over her shoulder as she speed walked towards the backroom to hang her apron .

"Okay..." she trailed her words as she watched Kercy disappear behind the employees door. She took a deep breath and breathed in the soil.

A soft smile lingered on her face as she finished up the pots with dirt and headed over to where they kept the sunflowers.

Row circled around the sunflowers, letting her eyes linger over them scrutinizing them, and grabbed the watering pot.      ❚❚


1 1 : 5 2

She was gently brushing off the tip of Tree Philodendron that had somehow gotten some dirty atop its leaves. On her other hand she held her video camera with her finger hovering over the 'record' button, just waiting for the perfect moment to capture a beautiful moment.

She had her earbuds plugged in on full blast with soothing melodies beating through her. She could feel the steady beat of the instrumental and the voice glaze her surroundings with vibrant color.

Swan Sea - bluish grey shade.

A newly cut sunflower was loosely held in her hand as she gracefully moved the beats of her music. She grinned as she jumped down from the small bricked borders of the daffodils section.

She mouthed the words of a Neighborhood song as her soft giggles intercepted.

"I know i'll fall in love with you, baby.

But that's not what I wanna do - "

-she turned around with a grin, using a sturdy wooden food crate as a stage, and her eyes glazed in a daydream of a cute carnival scene.

The lights around her were dim and the smell of corn dogs and cotton candy came from all over. Before her she could see the main character laughing as she dragged her friend toward their next ride. Their giggles and smiles being like a light that'd shine too bright if you looked too closely.

"Row," an amused voice softly mumbled its way to her - letting it shimmer her daydream into a decrescendo like matter.

Blinking, she gazed over her surroundings - taking in the familiar garden shop once again, and let her attention draw close to her co-worker.

Kercy was shaking her head in hilarity as she walked forward to her and placed a cold object in her hands. "I recorded all of that ya know."

Row blushed as she clutched the camera close to her chest, "Sorry Kercy," she muttered embarrassed.

Kercy was a middle ages woman who always seemed to have the gift of perfect timing. Her whiting blonde hair was pulled up in a bun and she was wearing her usual knitted shirts, denim jeans, and the shop's required apron.

"Just be glad I didn't catch you air guitaring anything," she gave her a pointed look, "You're needed at the front desk and then your shift ends in 20."

Row let her fingers glide over the buttons before clicking 'end' on the recording that seemed to have gone on for forever.

E n d   ∎ 



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