Chapter 8.1

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The distant ring of the alarm jolted him from his sleep. Bleary eyed and dizzy he reached for the alarm, shutting it down with a thump on the button. Almost immediately he was aware of the feeling of despair in his head. What was wrong? He probed inside and like a movie the previous night played out.

Oh yeah. He had yelled at her like an idiot. Usually he woke up before the alarm to her gentle voice. Where was she? Sitting up, he noticed that her half of the bed was already neatly made. Amused, he quickly got up, made his bed and walked out. She was in the puja room, her eyes closed in prayer while Diya was in her crib, shaking the rattles and giggling. They wore matching green clothes. Smiling, he stepped in to the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, he was bathed and ready for breakfast. He had already settled with his words. He would not let her speak. He would immediately apologise, say that it was his fault and that it was just laid back anger that rose unexpectedly. He would not repeat it again so can she forgive him? It seemed perfectly worded. After all, he was a good negotiator. Would she fall for his charms?

Loosening his tie, he sat down at the breakfast table. She was scampering around in the kitchen.

"Aishu, I am here for breakfast."


Something suspiciously like a vessel being abused reached his ears. Was that an accident? Wait did she touch anything hot? Quick as a flash, he rushed to the kitchen only to stop short in shock.

"Your breakfast," she said coldly, handing him a plate. He could not look down from her face to see what he was to eat.


She turned away, cutting him off. Her plait shook in a tantalising way but his eyes could not feast on it.

"What are you playing at?" he asked with difficulty,  placing his plate on the counter and approaching her.

"Whatever could you mean?" she asked, still turned away from him, scrubbing something furiously and dropping it in the sink with a huge clang.

"Why are you wearing a veil?"

She did not respond. Clang. He waited. Clang. Clang. Clang.

"Aishu." he said sternly. Clang. Clang.

He walked over to her and pulled her around. He assumed she must be glaring at him for he could not see past the thick black cloth on her face. "Don't touch me," she hissed, shrugging his hands off her shoulders.

"Look, I am sorry that-"

"You can keep your sorry ass apology to yourself! I don't care and I am not interested," she near yelled, waving her hands around in agitation. Turning away from him again, she clanged the vessels once more.

He very nearly left then. But the guilt that he deserved to be treated this way kept him in his spot. He had been very hurtful when she had only pointed out the truth. That had been the problem for him. That she had recognised that he was lying. That and the fact that she had taken the liberty to step across the courtesy to drop the subject when he was obviously lying. Had he given that right to her involuntarily? He could not deny that he had given her mixed signals. He could not deny that he wanted to be more for her. But whatever he may think, this time it was his fault and he had enough courage to admit it. If grovelling was what she wanted, he would grovel indeed.

"You don't want my apology? Fine. What is with the veil?"

He could hear her grinding her teeth. "You don't like my face, remember?"

Oh God, what? He clenched his jaw. It suddenly dawned on him. This was her idea of a fight! She was fighting with him. He would not laugh. She was offended and he would not laugh. Clearing his throat, he readied himself to extend the olive branch.

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