「 Sakura Trees 」

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Senbu woke up with a rush of blood to his face. His features felt hot, he felt as though he had been sweating in his own sleep. Wh-What was that-?! A dream...? Oh, phew.

As he took his morning shower, he couldn't stop the thoughts whirling in his turbulent mind. That was such a strange dream... I felt so awake. He hung his head back, letting the water wash down his naked body. There was no need to drag these thoughts along with him for the rest of the day. After all, there is no a dream could possibly even be real.

Senbu headed out of his dorm, dressed in his usual outfit, which consists of mostly classical gray attire. Today was his free day, no school or eventful plans. He knew he should take advantage of this day with some relaxation. So he headed off to his favorite place of peace, the park. 

But it wasn't any normal park. This one had many sakura trees that were starting to sprout their alluring flowers of pink and white. For now, there were mostly buds and early bloomers on the trees. Senbu took in a deep breath of the fresh, sweet-smelling air. A sense of calmness washed over him and the thoughts of the strange dream faded away. He did a small spin on the gravel, his extended sleeves wavering in the air. A musical note escaped from his high vocal chords, the familiar song of Senbonzakura. Here, in the midst of the sakura trees, is where he felt truly harmonious.

After his short-lived performance of bliss, Senbu sat down on a bench, between a couple of sakura trees and in front of the sparkling river. He lightly closed his eyes, letting the peace absorb into his senses. He started to drift off into a snooze. The sound of the breeze passing through the rustling leaves grew more soft..

 And more quiet... 

Until it was silent.


Senbu was still in the park. But it wasn't the same one. The atmosphere was considerably more somber, for the cherry trees no longer had color to them, but the dim of faltering gray. The air around him was hazy. What happened...? Where am I? 

He heard a voice. Someone was singing. It sounded a lot like his own voice, maybe more subdued and lower in tone. The voice was singing Senbonzakura, the same song he had sung earlier. Senbu followed towards the direction of the voice, trailing his curiosity.

Before him was a small set of stone stairs that lead up a mini hill. Around the stairs, red flags fluttered gently. Senbu felt conflicted between his curiosity and common sense. But he had no choice. His feet moved up the stairs on their own, as if some force was drawing him in.

At the top of the stairs, there was a mini red shrine with gravel rocks scattered in front of it. Fortune papers flapped from their strings. And in front of the shrine, an older boy stood with his front facing the shrine. The most he could see was his light yellow hair blowing in the breeze. The boy was singing, but more quietly than before. 

Senbu couldn't see his face until the boy turned his body around to face him, as if he was expecting company. He could recognize the male from the dream he had had last night. This time, he could see his clothes, which were elegant and well-fitted.

"You're here," the boy spoke with a grin.

"U-Um, who are you?," Senbu asked. He tended to shy around strangers, especially this one that happen to be surrounded by an ominous atmosphere. "I-If I may ask..." His voice grew quieter.

"Trickster," he replied solemnly.

His gaze fixated on Senbu, it was intimidating to the younger boy. Kind of a strange name... Senbu had many questions but he couldn't bring himself to ask any more of them. It was after a moment of silence starring when Trickster made a move. He grabbed the younger boy's frail arm and abruptly pulled him in close. "Tell me, is this a dream?" He asked, his voice was somber.

"H-huh?" Senbu looked up at Trickster's blank eyes. He didn't know the answer. He could think clearly on his own, so perhaps it wasn't. But it certainly had the vibe of a dream for the surroundings were unnaturally gloomy. However, he did recall previously sitting near the river earlier. "I guess so..."

Trickster frowned slightly, "Does that imply I'm not real?" 

Senbu didn't want to respond, "I-I guess so..." For some reason that hurt to say. He could feel the touch of Trickster's hand gripping tighter on his arm. He felt real. His presence felt real. But dreams couldn't possibly be real. As he saw the offended eyes of Trickster's, he felt a pang in his chest. One too painfully real to be in a dream.

Trickster gritted his teeth, he looked off to the side, letting his bangs fall in front of his eyes. "You wouldn't get it huh," his voice muttered, "Of course dreams aren't real." 

Senbu could sense a tremble in Trickster's voice. It scared him, his heart felt as if he was being squeezed. He didn't want to be this affected by the illusory male in front of him. But he was. 

"You..," Trickster let go of Senbu's arm and brought his hand up to his eyes as if wiping away tears, "I thought you would be different."

Why? What is he saying?! Senbu bowed quickly, "I'm s-sorry." Huh? What am I apologizing to?

Trickster let out a mischievous laugh. He brought his hand down from his own face and looked back at Senbu with a smirk, eyes curved down. His eyes were back to their normal monochrome fade. "Got you."

Before Senbu could react, Trickster charged forward at him, colliding his hand into the younger boy's chest. It happened in a second, so fast Senbu couldn't even form a thought. Immediately, everything in his surroundings went blurry and blackened. He could hear the sound of the river and wind blowing again in the distance.

It got louder... 


Senbu found himself still on the bench. It felt refreshing to see the beautiful color palette of nature once again as his eyes fluttered open. But his emotions were jumbled, he did not retain the same content feeling as before he fell asleep. There squeeze in his chest had carried on with him from the dream. As if he had been transported back into reality only mentally.

Another strange dream...

He brought a hand up to rub his eyes back to focus. 

To feel a wet tear smear on his finger.

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