「 Defy the Laws 」

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It had been a few days since he last saw the male in his dreams known as 'Trickster.' Senbu found himself frequently thinking about him more often as the days went by. He longed to see him again, the mystery boy. Sometimes he would wonder if Trickster thought of him too. But that thought didn't please him, for he was merely hoping that someone in his dreams was real. Which sounded absolutely nonsensical. 

But his two encounters with Trickster seemed to have cast him under a spell. He felt like he couldn't control his own thoughts anymore, his actions. And maybe that spell, is the reason why he had decided to take a couple of sleeping pills without thinking first. 

Looking down at the small pills in his hand, he felt entranced. Like they were calling out to him. Everything else around him blurred away, his eyes simply focused on the pills. It was certain to him that if he only hoped to see Trickster again this time. His heart tried to pull out of his chest, reaching and reaching, for those pills. And so he did, throwing them back into his mouth and swallowing heavily.

And thirty minutes later, he was passed out on his bed.


Senbu was still in his room when he had regained consciousness. His eyes awoke to the lights on the ceiling starring back down at him. He blinked a couple of times, adjusting, before sitting up and checking the clock. 13 hours had passed. It was now morning on Saturday. 

He couldn't think back of a dream. He didn't have one. Which greatly disappointed him, but it sure was no surprise. Tonight then, he would try again.


And so he continued his new routine for almost a week. At 7pm, throw the pills down his system and awaken at 7am for school by alarm. He was starting to get used to taking them. And this routine easily became a habit. Not a bad one of course, they certainly did help him get his sleep at night. The only downside would be feeling extra groggy in the morning if he took them later than 7pm. 

Why he was doing this? He couldn't really understand it himself. He had reflected upon this habit a couple of times, but would shut it down soon after the only possible answer could come to his brain. He didn't want to face it, the truth. 

He desired to see Trickster again. He felt obligated to force himself to fall into a deep slumber in order to meet him once again. Had he lost his mind? Maybe so. But there was no way Senbu would let that thought reach to him clearly. 


It was the 8th day of taking sleeping pills consecutively when he finally heard the familiar husky voice that was teasing, yet also dark.  "And we meet again," it said.

Senbu tried control his rather thrilled reaction to finally meeting him again. "I've.. been waiting!" 

"Oh?" Trickster let out a chuckle. He twirled the cane around behind his back, though Senbu wasn't sure whether it was because he was fidgeting or it was just for show. "I could tell you wished to see me again, but I decided to just let you suffer a bit longer."

Senbu held back his frown with an innocent face, "I've missed you."

The magician-like male shrugged, "Well, I suppose I am your dream boy."

Senbu couldn't hide how impressed we was at the joke. It was casual and calm, which made him hope their relationship was more than just acquaintances. That perhaps Trickster had took a liking to him also. He had a billion questions to ask Trickster. But now wasn't the time for them... Or at least seriously.

 He had a plan in mind. One that he had been replaying in his head over and over again before falling asleep. It was risky, there was no confirming if it would work or not... Until he tried. 

"I wanted to talk to you about something," he said. And without a moments of hesitation, he asked, "What are you?" 

Trickster didn't seem fazed by the question, more rather pleased. He stopped twirling the cane behind him and held in out in one hand, placing some weight on it. "Hm,~ Just your friendly neighborhood dream-eater I suppose?" He said as if it was a suggestion on what he COULD be.

Senbu continued, "Are you real?"

This time, Trickster seemed to be slightly offended. "Huh? What kind of question is that? You already know."

"What even is a dream-eater?"

"Not that someone like you would understand--"

Senbu didn't waste a moment to bombard the male with more, "Aren't you lonely?"

Trickster bit his lip before responding, "That's quite enough now, don't you think? Who said you could just start asking me questions so rudely? It's about time for you to go now!"

Senbu smirked under his shadow as the dream-eater stepped up to him and placed a hand on his chest, "Gotcha!" He whispered. He had been waiting for this moment. In order for Trickster to send him back, he had to be touched. This was his chance...

As a purple and black mixed void, the only way or out of this strange dream, formed around him and started to suck his consciousness in, Senbu quickly snatched Trickster's wrist which was easily located right in front of him. He watched Trickster's eyes present shock and horror, as he tugged at his wrist. As the void's gravity pulled him in deeper, he found it more difficult to hold on to the male's wrist, furthermore see what was happening. He could hear a shout, unclear whether it was him or not. The dream-eater in front of him faded to black as he dragged him down out of the dream with him. 

Or did he.

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