
73 6 2

Lydia's Pov:

The wind blew my hair in all different directions. I felt free, like I could close my eyes, spread my arms apart, and be drifted away.

The hot sun burned my skin but it was soothing to me. The trees' leaves rustled in the fall air in a sing-song like manner.

I never really understood what people meant when they explained "paradise", but now i do.

This was what paradise felt like.

Then all of a sudden, the wind started blowing faster, stronger. The sun was gone, replaced with the darkness of the moon. It was hard to balance on my feet when all this madness was around me.

As I looked around, I got this feeling of "loneliness" and "emptiness." Everything in my sight started fading away, and I could do nothing to stop it from disappearing forever.

The house down the street was becoming more transparent by the second, and soon enough it was gone, like it wasn't there.

The leaves turned to dust by what seemed like a snap of a finger.

The sky turned a dull gray. Even the moon was overcome by its shadow.

The only thing left was me.

I peered down at my legs, but it wasn't there. My arms that were supposed to be by my side wasn't there either. I was slowly disappearing too, fading away from the earth like everything that I had just witnessed not even three minutes ago.

I tried to scream, hoping that someone, just anyone, could stop the nothingness from eating me whole. But that was the problem. I couldn't scream.

The burning my throat should have felt was stuck. My scream was stuck like a big elephant on a baby swing; like my thoughts inside my head. I couldn't get it out no matter how hard I tried.

Is this how it was going to be for me? Was I going to be stuck with no way out of things? If I ever was declared missing would people care? Or would they be stuck too? Stuck from trying to find where I was; stuck from trying to find answers. Stuck. Just... stuck,unable to do anything. Because that is how I feel every second of every day.

Time went by too fast. My thoughts soon vanished into thin air, the rest of me following along with it.


i literally have no idea what this story is going to be. but i just want feedback on it and to see who'd read it....?

anyways, peace.

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