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warnings: implied suicide, depressive thoughts
"ah, you're too cute namjoon-ah!" hoseok cooed as namjoon gave him a wide, dimpled smile. he couldn't help it after all. he loved that dimpled smile.

he kissed the boy's cheeks, nose and then lips, grinning lovingly as he pulled away. "i'm so happy that you are the one that i married." he whispered into namjoon's ear, grabbing his hand and bringing it to his lips, kissing the ring on his finger. he saw namjoon laugh and his eyes instantly lit up, his heart beating almost as fast as when he saw the boy for the first time. he really was his first love. he wrapped his arms around him, holding him tight, never wanting to let go.

he loved him, it was true.

but he had to let go.

besides, it was painful to keep clinging onto him.

because his first love,

his dimpled smile,

his sunshine,

was already gone.

hoseok sat on the edge of the roof of the apartment building, staring at the ring that he refused to remove. tears streamed down his face. "namjoon-ah... what do i do? i miss you so much... why did you have to leave?" he stared at the empty, dull city below him before looking back to the open sky. he gave one last heart-shaped smile to the blue sky above.

"i'll see you soon, darling."

total word count: 239

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