breaking the rules

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Plot: Namjoon and Jimin are waiting for their master to come home and things get a little heated.
Warnings: Bdsm, sir/master, sex toys, sub x sub, threesome, men wearing feminine clothing, body piercings, eating out, fingering, mention of a blowjob

Happy birthday Leah! It's late, but i tried my best! 💕💕


It was around four in the afternoon. Namjoon and his fellow submissive, Jimin were laying on the couch.
"Joonie, I'm so bored." Jimin whined, tracing a finger over Namjoon's pierced nipples; Namjoon whimpered softly in response. Jimin noticed this and a blush spread on his cheeks ""Chimchim! you can't get me aroused... Master is going to come home in half an hour!" Namjoon whispered, looking straight into Jimin's chocolate eyes.
Jimin grinned mischievously and decided to continue to tease him instead, his gaze lustful as he pushed Jimin down, grinding against Namjoon's cock over his tiny pink panties. He licked his lips, glancing at his body momentarily before licking and sucking on Namjoon's perked pink nipples, biting and twisting the matching piercings with his tongue.

He kept eye-contact, a hand sliding into Namjoon's panties and wrapping around his semi-hard cock. "Couldn't we play for just a little while, Joonie?" He murmured in his deep honey voice. He grabbed Namjoon's arm and pulled him to the playroom, pulling out a double ended, thick vibrating dildo "Let's play with this! It'll be so fun, I promise!" He said as he showed Namjoon the large toy "I'll even eat you out, pretty please Joonie?" He begged, pulling Joonie down onto the bed and landing in between his thick thighs, kissing his bulge gently.
Namjoon blushed violently, covering his face and nodding timidly. He wasn't usually one to break rules.

Jimin grinned devilishly, flipping Namjoon over and tugging down his panties, instantly licking a stripe up namjoon's fluttering hole. He mouthed at it, licking around the muscle and kissing it gently. He then slowly pushed his tongue in, trying to find Namjoon's prostate and tasting every inch of his delicious hole that he could reach. Normally, since the both of them were so sensitive, Jimin or Namjoon or both boys would be eaten out as a treat if they were extra well behaved.

Namjoon squirmed, his arms giving out as he buried his face into the mattress, enjoying it way more than he should have. His cock was a flushed pink and already dripping as he whimpered beneath him, pushing back onto Jimin's tongue. Jimin soon slipped a finger or two in, as Namjoon hadn't used his buttplug today like he did. He pushed them in and out, scissoring and pressing them against Namjoon's prostate. Namjoon squealed a little, so close to cumming as he felt himself being stretched out.

Jimin went harder on him, deciding to add a third finger, smirking slightly at the sight of Namjoon whining beneath him, and thrusting them harshly. Namjoon couldn't take it, he was about to cum. Namjoon was so, so close and fucked himself onto Jimin's fingers until he was met with a trembling orgasm. He moaned loudly and clenched onto Jimin's tongue and fingers as he finished, looking up at him.

"No no Joonie, we aren't finished yet!" Jimin smiled as he took the dildo and applied some strawberry-flavoured lube to both sides. He flipped namjoon over again and slid one side of the dildo into the boy's loosened hole before sliding it into his too, both boys feeling a chill run down their spines. Jimin then turned the vibrations on, both boys quickly moaning, Namjoon's cock standing up once more. Jimin reached out a shaky hand before grabbing the centre of the dildo and moving it in and out of the both of them. The dildo wasn't as big as their master's cock but, it was still a tight fit.

Meanwhile, Seokjin was standing outside of the house, unlocking the door and walking in. Se was about to call for his little cocksluts before he heard sounds. Moaning, to be exact. Seokjin had a shit-eating smirk on his face. He was going to punish those whores as if it was the last thing that he did. Seokjin chuckled and stood outside of the door, hearing the slutty moans of his playthings. He began to get hard. Very hard.

Jimin and Namjoon were in ecstasy. They moved their hips against the dildo, the sound of their thighs desperately smacking against eachother filling the room as they both got to the base of the dildo, the loud sound being almost deafening to them. They were already close, Namjoon for the second time. They had tears in their eyes, not knowing that their master was just outside the room.

Seokjin finally walked into the room, taking them by surprise and smacking both of their asses "Hello, darlings. I see you've broken those rules that I set." he chuckled, a dark look on his face "Don't you think that you should be punished?" he said, so gentle that it was terrifying to the two boys. He gripped their wrists as he yanked them up and to a love seat. He sat down. "Bend over boys, your chins can go on my lap." he muttered, placing handcuffs on their wrists and ankles.

Namjoon looked at Jimin, terrified. He had never gotten a punishment before. Jimin just looked into his eyes, trying to silently reassure the boy. "What's your colour?" he asked before the boys both replied with "Green." Seokjin nodded and placed two vibrating cock rings on their pathetic little cocks, smiling at how swollen they were. He then grabbed two large vibrating dildos for the two of them, the type that squirmed around. He then slammed them into the boys' holes, the both of them screaming in pleasure and pain "You two aren't allowed to cum until I say so." he ordered, unzipping his dress pants after a long day at the office and pulling down his boxers, revealing his angry, swollen erection. "Go on you dirty cocksluts. You know what to do." he muttered before pushing their heads towards his cock.

He must say, the two boys' night was a very, very long one.

Total Word Count: 1027

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2018 ⏰

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