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She dreams that one day she will be free

She thinks maybe one day they won’t judge me

She dreams that one day she will have someone there

But sadly no one really cares

She dreams that one day she won’t be covered in scars

But in reality that day is way too far

She dreams that one day she won’t be hurt

But cruelly society treats her like dirt

She dreams that one day she will be pretty 

Why doesn’t she understand society is being witty

She dreams that one day she will have someone to lean on

But society won’t let that person be born

She dreams that one day she will be recovered

But society won’t let her talents be discovered

She dreams that one day she won’t be so messed up

Did she ever realize that society is just to corrupt?

She dreams that one day she will have something to live for

But society has broken her to the core

She dreams that one day she will be able to stay strong

And that’s when she realizes maybe one day but it all seems so wrong-

                                                                                           -Shania Aldons

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