/ what's that boy do

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Matthew Healy

"so I have a plan!"

her voice echoed as she pushed me up from the railings I was holding on to. I rolled my eyes and blew off a curl of stray hair away from my face. She had been extra gleeful these days. And for some reason, I was so tired of it. All I wanted was to wallow in bed or watch a bunch of old movies or work on some music.

"let me guess, you want to slide down rainbows and feed unicorns" I said rather too sarcastically. I turned to face her with a grimace but her smile was like literally too bright for me to take that I had to squint. "no, silly.. my boyfriend lives near this garden. I know how boring it is to stay here all day. and since your mum told me you needed extreme privacy, it would be safe there." she beamed.

I groaned "no, I don't want to go anywhere.. can't we finish early today so you can go on your way" I said to her and she shook her head "cmon, Matt. you need this." she frowned as she unfolded the wheelchair by the door. "I'll go get your coat, sit here and wait for me" she said as she took off to get my coat. I groaned even louder and if only I could groan even louder than that, I would.


"I'll drop by my boyfriend's place before going in the garden. I think its private property. " she says excitedly and I rolled my eyes for the nth time today, if I ever keep rolling them.. I'll probably break my eye muscles and lose my control on them. "yea.." I grumbled. She glanced at me as we passed by the many cars along London "Matt, cmon be more positive about things.." she pouted out and I groaned.

"keep your eyes on the road, I don't want to be in another car accident" I told her and she smiles "okay, alright. there's no need to be grumpy" she said as she made a sharp turn towards some sort of village. I haven't been to this part of the city. It seemed quiet and the houses looked a little off their time, like some sort of mini Hobbiton or something.

She made a stop in front of an apartment looking building and she leaves the engine running "I'll be quick, I just gotta ask my boyfriend. The garden is across this building. Don't get out of the car" she orders me and I scoffed "like I have a choice" I mumbled and she was out of the car. Running towards the building's entrance, leaving me to myself.

Gwen Sullivan

I was quick, I didn't want Matty to wait for too long. The man obviously has some problems with patience, he has a little of it. I opened the door and took the stairs up to the second floor. Taking steps twice to be faster. I was just about to open the door, but it was locked. My eyebrows knit together..

It was rather unusual for the door to be locked when he's home. There aren't any burglars or anything around this side of town, and he probably expected me to be coming. I guess a phone would be necessary but I didn't have one so I couldn't ring him. So instead, I fished out my spare key from my pocket and inserted it in the keyhole.

But as I opened the door, I dropped my keys on the floor to the surprise of what was happening in the living room. There on the couch was my boyfriend, with some blonde bimbo.. stark naked with her ass up high and him on a thrusting spree. "Jesus!" I called out and they both looked at me, with the same paled expressions.

"shit, babe! Gwen, baby.. hey. this isn't what it looks like!" he started mumbling and I grabbed the closest thing near me and hauled it at him.. it happened to be a photograph of me and him. Well, he wouldn't need that damned picture anyways "you.. you arsehole!" I screamed and stormed out of the flat faster than I came in.

I ran downstairs, my chest heaving and my heart beating so hard and fast I swear I could see it thumping on my chest. I knew he would run after me, because the moment I came out of the building he was scurrying off after me yelling my name. What a prick. "Gwen, babe. Let me explain!" he called out one more time before grabbing my arm. And my free hand came and collided with his cheek, leaving a stinging sensation to my palm and a red mark on his face.

"explain what? why there's a woman in your apartment? why you're shagging her like there's no tomorrow? I should've known. There's no explaining to do in here.. because what I saw in there.. its pretty self explanatory." I barked at him. I could feel someone else's eyes on me, probably some passersby and Matty's but I didn't care. I'm mad and I need to let it out.

I ram across the street and I opened the door to the driver's seat and shut the door. My breath still caught in my throat and I banged my head on the steering wheel. I could feel hot tears daring themselves to fall from my eyes but I shut them tightly, begging not to cry in front of Matty.

"that was a sight to see.."

he said suddenly and I jerked my head up. "I'm sorry." I croaked and he shook his head before looking out the window "let's just drive off.. you need to get back home" he says and as I drove off, he flipped my boyfriend.. I mean, ex-boyfriend the finger and I felt a little better. "you didn't have to apologize either, I'm sure he deserved that slap in the face for whatever shit he's done to you" he says and my cheeks felt hot.

"I.. I caught him cheating"

I managed to say and he made a noise from his throat "asshole then.. he did deserve that slap. Maybe even more than that" Matty said and I heard a few other curses. He the fished out his phone from his pocket and dialed a number.. "hey mate.. we're coming over" he says and he looked at me.

"I'll give directions, you drive. Change of plans"


meh I suck sorry x

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