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Regina heard some of the royal trumpets and drums playing outside as loud as The Princess still could hear her from her room, which meant her Mother was successful. "Let me out!", She yelled in tears while she kicked against the door with Probably everything she found. A small chair that was next to a desk in the room, her bare hands and feet and with some drawers from the desk, luckily the loud noises caused her Mother to return and open the Door to get in. "What was that?! That's not how a Princess should act!", Cora yelled and stepped closer to Regina. "A Princess shouldn't be locked in here! Where is The Queen and why don't you leave me and her alone?!", The Brunette snapped back and immediately got another slap of her mother's hands at her cheek. "Foolish Child! I'm your Mother and don't you dare to talk to me like this!", She yelled and hit the Brunette once again. "She isn't evil, Mother! You are! Let me out of here!", Regina fired back, getting another slap. This time is was way harder and caused Regina to fall on the Ground. "You won't get out of here before I tell you! That Monster will burn and you will get to Marry the King!", Cora yelled and left the Room again, locking it behind her as always and leaving the Princess to cry out once more. There were visible red marks of her Mothers hand at Regina's cheek which hurt much but weren't able to get compared with the Pain in the Princesses heart to lose another person she loved after her Father.
"Where's Regina?!", The Evil Queen asked angrily as Cora entered the dungeon to get to her. The Blonde's wrists were tied against the wall with some strong iron cuffs and the floor she was laying on was full of dirt. "Locked away.", The Queen simply Answered as she looked satisfied at the tied Queen in front of her. "Regina's life doesn't include you, Shell be marrying a king tomorrow, just some hours after you will get killed.", Cora smirked and looked Into the Queen's eyes that showed much hate and disgust but also pain. "That's why she didn't come back to me, wasn't it?! You were locking her here-you still do!", The Evil Queen yelled. "That doesn't concern you. Now get some rest, you'll stay in this cell until tomorrow-then you'll die. So make yourself comfortable until then.", The Queen replied and left smirking.
"Your Majesty?", Zelena asked carefully as she entered the dungeon some minutes after Her Mother so she wouldn't see. "You, what? Do you want to watch me die?!", The Evil Queen asked annoyed and rolled her eyes at the Princess. "No. It's about Regina. I'm her sister and I will always be on her side and we need to stop the next things from happening, your death and her Wedding but I can't do it alone. Our Mother locked Regina into a Room since she wanted to leave some minutes after our Father died, my mother is the only one with the Key and as I know her she won't let Regina out before you're dead and she'll get married.", Zelena explained almost crying, which cough the Queen's attention quickly. "Wait so-Regina wanted to come back to me just some minutes after her Father passed away? She really wanted to come back? Where does your Mother have the key?", The Blonde Asked which took the Redhead by surprise. "Yes she wanted to but our cruel Mother didn't let her and locked her away since that day. I'm not sure where the key is but I'm guessing it's in her coat pocket or maybe a drawer of the desk in her Chamber. I'm not really sure.", Zelena explained. "Can you free me?", The Queen asked and The Princess shook her head. "I'm sorry. My Mother put a spell on these just like on the bracelets you're wearing, her Magic is the only one that can free you. I've tried it once too as a kid, Mother has locked my favorite doll away and I tried to get it with magic but it doesn't work. I'm sorry. But maybe I can get the key from her.", Zelena suggested and the Queen agreed quietly. "Then let's wait until Tomorrow.", They both Said before The Redhead left again.

I will kill that Woman-how can anyone-a Mother-Lock her own child away and force it to marry someone she doesn't love?! No Emma-You won't kill her-you'll change, for Regina. You'll survive this and you will get back to her and stop her Wedding from Happening. She couldn't get to me but I will get to her.

Falling For You//SwanqueenWhere stories live. Discover now