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As Regina woke up at the next morning, she could already see what the Queen meant by a knight watching her. Her Room was empty except herself but she saw some shadows in form of Shoes outside her Door. She went to her closet and put on a blue dress of hers, the Queen wanted her to wear red, green or black ones if she joined her company but since Emma wasn't in Castle that day, it was the Blue one. Regina did her hair as well and brushed her teeth as long as possible. As she walked out of her Chamber she faced the Man that was hired to watch her. He was a tall, muscular Man with a sword strapped at his belt, his eyes were brown just like his hair and he was wearing a black shirt like black pants, not a knight armor like the other knights in the Castle. His seemed more comfortable and nicer. He was leading her by her arm to the Room Regina and The Queen were having breakfast every other day. His grip was quite strong and was almost hurting Regina, still he didn't speak any sentence.
As the Queen's carriage entered the Mills estate, Cora Mills, Henry Mills and Zelena Mills rushed outside to welcome the Evil Queen by some prostrations. "My Majesty, How was your way here?", Cora Mills asked as she got up again. Her voice was full of fear even though she tried to cover it, Zelena has Knies the things the Queen has done but she never saw her Mother or her Father that afraid. "It was....Fine.", The Blonde Answered with an evil smirk. "Why don't why go inside, your majesty?", Henry Mills suggested and The Queen agreed. She gave Zelena an evil smirk which made the redhead even scarier than before. "May I be excused?", Zelena asked firmly and her Mother nodded, she clearly didn't want to loose another daughter to the Queen.
"Where have you been?", Robin asked her as he stepped out of his hiding place. He was full of dirt and his belt was holding a knife. He was holding his Bow in one of his hands and on his shoulder was a arrow simmer. "I'm sorry. The Queen's here, they are negotiating inside.", Zelena explained and Robin nodded silently. He took out a map of the Country where a line was marked by a red marker. "This is the way of The Queen's carriage, I will wait at this point and will steal one of her horses, I will ride to the Castle and get Regina out before The Evil Queen can even return.", Robin explained, showing his moves on the map. "Okay, please be careful, and get her home.", Zelena replied and The Thief nodded once again, then he made his way to the place he was waiting for the carriage to pass.
"Please your Majesty, she's our everything.", Cora begged but the Queen stayed cold as always. "You should've been there then and better care for her.", She replied left the Castle Again. Meanwhile it became quite dark, the Sun was already down an the Moon was shingling as replace. The Evil Queen went back to her carriage and made her way home. It was quite long so she didn't expect to get there that night.
Some time later, she heard some wheezing noses by her horse, so The Queen decided to step out of the Carriage. She saw a young Man, a thief, riding away with her horse. She snapped her fingers and the Man immediately fell off the horse and was standing in from of her. "So who are you, Thief?!", The asked furiously and showed an evil smirk. "Robin Hood. I demand you to let Regina go!", He replied. "You Demand! How dare you to talk with me like that!", The Queen fired back and snapped his neck by another snap of her fingers, then She covered herself in purple smoke.
The lights of the Castle were all shut down already and Regina was sleeping peacefully in her bed. She wondered what would happen to her, would she get killed or kept be a prisoner, would the Queen let her go again? The Brunette wasn't sure about anything at that time, The Evil Queen always was showed as mean and evil person but for Regina she seemed quite nice. Her sleep got interrupted as a Man was laying down in bed next to her. "What?! What are you doing here?!", She yelled but her mouth got shut my The Knight that was supposed so watch her. He was smiling evilly and was holding Regina's hands together that strong that it hurt her. She tried to scream but his hand over her mouth covered them. He was pulling her closer by his legs and soon he was taking Off his shoes. He was about to pull off his belt and Regina's dress as The Queen appeared In her Room. "Blanchard!", She yelled and the Knight immediately let Regina go. He jumped out of the bed and left Regina in fear. The begged for forgiveness but the Queen let him get behind a cell in the dungeon anyway. Regina tried to say anything but her mouth wasn't able to get any sentence out, she was frozen and she felt her cheeks getting wet by her own tears running down her face. "He's Not there anymore.", The Queen softly said and sat down next to Regina. The Princess didn't think of any manners that time, she was taking the Queen in her arms, she tried to stop the tears but she knew she wouldn't win that fight. To her surprise the Queen let her, she didn't care that Regina's tears were probably ruining her dress or that it's unprofessional to do that, she just let her cry. After some time of sitting and crying, The Queen felt Regina drifting away slowly. The Princess didn't care about all the things people told her, that Evil Queen has a heart and it's not even as black as they all might think.

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