Twentieth Toll

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We sat down on the now rock turned grass and waited for Him to speak. "I did disappear during the war. I split myself into two pixies and aimed to find two young people who have you ability as I knew most would be slaughtered during that war." "I'm sorry for interjecting but, aren't pixies usually born when their fated partner is?" "Hwan, this is Him we're talking about. It can do anything." "Keonhee is right. As years passed, I waited for the right two to partner with. And then you two were born." I nodded in understanding, but I still needed to know why we were chosen. There probably wasn't much a difference between Keonhee and I from people of the past.

"Now, the reason why I chose you two. Your power is higher than I've ever seen. I felt it from both of you. Then I watched as you were able to maintain your other animal transformations while using other magic at the same time. No one was able to do that in the past." "So, how did we get like this?" "I don't know that either." I sighed then looked at Keonhee. "Well, we found Him. Are you going to ask?" I watched Keonhee stand up then approach Him. "So, what's our purpose then? To just wake you up from dormant sleep? Or is there more to this?" "The latter. You two need to overturn those of the council. You can choose not to, but the daily life of Dier will take a terrible turn for the worse."

"Now we have to play hero? This is not what I signed up for." I quickly got up then walked over to Him. "I don't want this ability anymore. I was told you can grant this and take it away. I just want to be a normal therianthrope." I looked Him straight in the eyes and I could see the sadness in them. "If that's what you want..." "Wait, Hwan." I looked at Keonhee and waited for him to speak. "Is it really that bad having this ability?" "Yes! My mother and everyone around me treats me poorly for it! I was banned from the city for pete's sake! I just want a normal life! A life that doesn't include this ability!" I was in tears at this point. It hurt and I hated being vulnerable. "Please...I want to be accepted..."

I felt a paw on my head then saw Keonhee trying to pet me. "Hwan...I know that your life was terrible growing up. But have you ever looked at the positives? You have friends that accept you. People who are willing to stick up for you. Remember when Dongju ran with you when you didn't have to? And you have me, someone who's an outcast just like you. I know the pains of feeling alone." I cried more. I didn't know how badly I needed to hear something like that. "So please, don't feel like you're all alone in this world." He bumped his nose with mine then turned towards Him. "I'll do it." I felt them looking at me and made a decision. "Me too." Him gave us a smile then touched our heads. A strange sensation coursed through my body and I suddenly felt powerful.

A blinding light enveloped the room then disappeared as quickly as it came. I looked back and saw Lutin and Nisse asleep on the ground. "Looks like we have another adventure ahead of us huh..." "I wouldn't mind as long as you're with me." He tackled me to the ground then laid on top of me. "Let's rest here for now. I'm too tired to move." I sighed in slight annoyance as he was heavy and didn't bother to change his form. "I must be heavy." "Very." He transformed into a rabbit then snuggled up close to me. If we were human, I would've held him as close as I possibly could.

disfunctionality | HwanHee ✅Where stories live. Discover now