Chapter 3: Don't Get Caught

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*Victoria's POV*

I roll over and look at my alarm clock, its 10:29 at night and I cant fall asleep without thinking of the men. I have to meet them! I quietly get out of my bed and put a jacket and my shoes on. I try not to make the door creek while opening it slowly. Then I peek over the railing of the stairs and I hear no noise. So I decide to take a risk and walk down stairs. Suddenly I hear the sound of a bath running from the downstairs bathroom, I then realize my mother is taking a bath. So I tip-toe over to my brother's room. He's Asleep. Yes! what's worse than your sibling catching you sneek out? maybe your mom?

Then I walk over to the door and carefully open the door making sure not to make any loud noises. i close the door behind me, and hear manly laughter. Yes! They're still out there in front of the house. I peek around the corner of the bush right in front of our house. Only one of them is smoking, the one that doesn't have any tattoos. I walk over shaking because of the frozen night. The men notice me! What should I do? I just smile and wave as im getting closer. I better not embarrass my self in front of them. I approach the men.

"hello beautiful!" The smoking man says to me.

"good evening love!" the man in tattoos joins in.

Guys, calling me "Beautiful" and "Love"? oh my god, I'm in love already.

"hey, im your new neighbor." I say calmly without trying to giggle because of their words. "My names Victoria. you are?"

"my names chris. I live right down the streeet." The man with the lighted cigarette between his fingers replied.

"My names Harry." The guy in super skinny jeans also replied.

"its nice to meet the both of you!" I said. "I would've came over to meet you guys sooner, but I just had to unpack a few things."


"well it was a pleasure meeting you." Chris replied slurred quite a bit.

cigarettes and achahol?

harry was speaking just fine. nor did his breath stink.

we all kept talking and introducing our selfs.

"well im going to get back home" I blurted out remembering that my mother is still awake. "im quite tired."

They both say goodbyes with sweet words like love and beautiful. it sent chills down my spine. no guy has ever said anything like that to me.

Finally I arrive to my front door. im nervous to open it. what if my mom is standing right there. oh no! So I look through the window, and no mom. I slowly open the door in fear, and sneak up stairs. I take off my jacket and my shoes and change into warm pajamas.

I can't keep my mind off of harry. Chris was a little out of my league. He kept saying perverted jokes and staring at my boobs.

but harry is perfect, expecially when he called me "love".

End of chapter 3

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