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Rapist and rape victims ahead

After about week, Seokjin and Namjoon found themselves at an abandoned house on the outskirts of Seoul. With backup from their friends and fellow officers, Kim Taehyung and his rookie partner Jeon Jungkook, they stood by the old door.

"A-am I qualified to b-be h-here?" Jungkook asked, holding his taser with shaky hands. "Yeah Taehyung! Was this really a good idea? He is still training after all." Namjoon said, poking at Taehyung's back. "Ok ok I admit, this is kind of a scary thing for a rookie, but I helped take down a murder when I was a rookie and saw a dead body, so he should be fine!" Taehyung insisted, puffing out his chest. "Hyung, that was a video game. We were playing together and you nearly puked seeing the game body." Jungkook said, chuckling at the memory. "Don't worry Jungkook. This is a scary case but you should be fine Mr. Top Of Your Class!" Seokjin reassured, patting Jungkook's shoulder, cause the younger to blush from the praise. "Thank you hyung." Jungkook said with a silly smile plastered to his face.

"Is everyone ready?" Seokjin asked, looking behind him at his youngers. They all nodded, Jungkook letting out a deep breath in the process. Please God, keep us safe. With a final breath to calm his nerves, Seokjin knocked on the door. "Seoul Police Department. Open up. We have a warrant to search the premises." Seokjin said, voice deepening significantly. After a moment there was no reply. Knocking once again, much louder this time, Seokjin spoke again. "Seoul Police Department! Open the door!" His voice was now a shout.

Still with no response, Seokjin looked over at Jungkook. "Think your big legs can kick that door down?" The oldest asked. "That door is made of really old and soft wood. Even Taehyung could probably kick it down!" The youngest said with a giggle. "Wanna kick down your first door Kook?" Namjoon asked, cocking his head to the side and raising an eyebrow. The younger smiled, showing off his large front teeth and nodded. "On the count of three, you kick it down ok?" Seokjin asked as Jungkook stepped up to the door. "Ok." The younger nodded, talking a deep breath. "1, 2, 3!" The three oldest yelled as the youngest kicked down the door with ease.

The house was completely dark, so with the three oldest holding their guns and the youngest holding his taser, they all grabbed flashlights out of their belts and turned them on. Now with lights, they heard loud footsteps running towards them. Soon a figure appeared holding a knife. "AHH!" Jungkook screamed, pulling the trigger on his taser. With a yelp the figure fell to the floor, body spasming in the process. "Well that was easy." Taehyung said plainly, walking up to the body still spasming. "Geez this guy is a complete mess." He said, kneeling down and handcuffing him. "Should we split up or search together?" Namjoon asked, mostly asking Seokjin. "Well, although I don't doubt Jungkook can take care of himself after that, how about Taehyung and Jungkook search together, and you and me search alone?" Seokjin asked. "Sounds good to me!" Namjoon said as the other two nodded. They all began searching different rooms in the house and soon enough found many of the missing women.

Seokjin found himself at the room in the very back of the house. The door was closed but he heard a woman's soft cries. He slowly opened the door to see a blindfolded woman, sitting on the ground with rope keeping her hands tied to a bedpost. His heart broke. Along with the obvious bondage, she had bruise all down her neck, arms, legs, and stomach, all ranging in every color of bruises he's ever seen. A dirty white bra was on her with one of the straps completely torn off and an old towel covered her lower stomach to mid way down her thighs. The beige blindfold had wet spots on it, a result of what he assumed was from her crying.

He took a step forward, causing the floor to creak and making her flinch. "Pl-please. N-no m-more to-today. P-pl-ease." Her voice was no more than a whisper as she let out her soft plea. "Don't worry Miss. I'm with the Seoul Police Department and we're here to rescue you. You're gonna be ok." Seokjin made his voice as soft as when he's talking to his niece after she's fallen off her bike. As soft and gently as possible. He walked closer and kneeled down, reaching behind her to untie the old rag. As he pulled it away his heart broke again, seeing dried mascara streams painting her sickly pale face.

"What's your name Miss?" He asked, keeping his voice soft. "P-Park Jiwoo." She replied, still quivering slightly. "Ok Park Jiwoo, I'm Detective Kim but you can call me Seokjin or just Jin, whichever you prefer." He said, pulling his pink pocket knife out of his belt and cutting the ropes holding her wrists. "O-ok J-Jin." She said, causing him to smile. "Do you think you can walk?" He asked, rubbing her wrists softly. "I-I don't th-think so..." She trailed off, attempting to stand but soon failing. "Would you feel comfortable if I were to carry you?" He asked, giving her a small smile. "Uh... I guess so." She said, avoiding eye contact. "Ok, before I pick you up, is there anything under this towel covering you?" He asked, gesturing to the pale blue towel. "Just my un-derw-ear." She said, lifting the towel to show him. "Alright good. Are you ready for me to lift you?" He asked, moving over to stand on her right side. She hesitantly nodded.

Slowly, he moved his left arm under her back, and his right arm under her knees. She slowly moved her arms to snake around his neck as he stood up with ease. "Are you doing alright?" He asked once he stood up completely straight. "Y-yeah." She stuttered out, signaling him to begin walking out of the room. "Alright good." He said as they kept walking, soon ending up in the front room, seeing the rest of the missing women and his friends.

"Did you guys already call an ambulance?" He asked, scanning over the room and marking his mental check list of missing women. "Yeah, they'll be here soon." Taehyung said, rubbing the back of a crying woman. "Ok good." Seokjin said, sitting down on a dusty chair, still holding Jiwoo. Her breathing was still raged and he looked around to see the other women were in much better shape than she was. And that's when his heart broke for the third time that day, just because of her.

(A/N ok so hopefully the trigger warning in the description AND the beginning of this helped some people out. I know rape is more sensitive depending on who you are so I wanted to give as much warning as possible. Also I think on the topic of Yoongi and Jimin, I think I might write them to be Jiwoo's brothers (probably Yoongi being the oldest, Jimin the youngest, and Jiwoo in between). Anyway I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Bye!)

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