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Jiwoo woke up, but her eyes felt heavy so she kept them closed. Was it just a dream. She wondered if she was still in that awful house. But then she heard small beeps coming from her side. Forcefully, she opened her eyes to see she was in a hospital room, and the beeps came from a heart monitor. Her eyes began to wandered around the room until they landed on her left side. There sat Seokjin writing in a black notebook that read 'Seokjin' across it in pink. Once she saw him, he looked up and met her eyes. He smiled before putting the notebook in his belt and looking back up, still smiling.

"Are you feeling ok?" He asked, quickly glancing at the heart monitor. "Uh I'm k-kinda sore, but I'm o-ok I guess." She replied, trying not to groan in annoyance as her stomach growled. "How about I go get you some food, hmm?" He asked, letting out a small chuckle. "Um ok, th-thank you." She said, feeling slightly embarrassed. "Ok, well I'll be right back!" He said as he stood up and pat the top of her hand, causing her heart to skip a beat. What's wrong with me? Once he left she groaned at the girlish feeling hitting her. Not the time for this feelings!

After about twenty minutes, Jin came back holding a lunch bag on his arm, and a container of food in his hands. He walked over to her side and smiled. "Do you like kimchi? If not I have a some noodles and vegetables in here too." He asked, raising his arm slightly to make the bag move. "Wait, this i-isn't your lunch, is i-it?" She asked, looking up at him. "Oh don't worry! I pack two lunches that way I have two options. I usually give the other option to my partner but he's busy at the moment, so I'll share with you instead! So, kimchi or noodles and vegetables?" He asked again, smiling at her. "Uh I g-guess kimchi. I'm n-not too p-picky." She said, giving him a small smile in return. "Ok!" He said as he sat down next to her.

"Can you feed yourself?" He asked, pulling out a fork from his bag and mixing up the kimchi a little. "I d-don't know." She said, rolling in her lips. "Ok! Well are you ok if I feed you?" He asked, smiling at her with sparkling eyes. "I guess s-so. B-but wait you need t-to eat." She said, feeling the uncomfortable growl in her stomach again. "I'll be ok for awhile." He said, filling the fork with food and holding it out to her. She hesitantly accepted, but soon smiled at how delicious it was. "That's r-really good. Thank you." She said, giving him a full smile to which he smiled back. "I'm glad you like it!" He said, giving her another bite.

As he fed her they talk a bit and he told her some of his, as his friends call 'dad jokes', making her laugh. He really liked her laugh. Once she was finished with the kimchi they heard some loud noises coming from the hall.

Right as Seokjin had stood up to close the door, two men significantly smaller than him ran into the room. Before Seokjin was able to do anything, both of the men exclaimed "Jiwoo!" in sync and ran over to her bed, smothering her in a big hug. "Jiwoo, you know them?" Seokjin asked, shocked by the two men's actions. "We're her brother." The one with big eyes and orange hair said. "Who are you?" The one with much smaller eyes and mint hair asked, protectiveness oozing out of his voice. "Yoongi, calm down. Yoongi, Jimin, this is Detective Kim. He rescued me." Jiwoo said with a smile. As soon as the last sentence left her lips, the orange haired one, apparently named Jimin, looked over to Seokjin and smiled, quickly releasing his sister to run over and give him a hug, to which the taller one quickly returned. The mint haired one hesitantly smiled at Seokjin, but didn't let go of his sister.

After muttering a quick 'Thank you' into Seokjin's shoulder, their hug came to an end, and Jimin ran back to his sister to hug her again. "Thank you Detective Kim. Thank you for bring my baby sister back to us." Yoongi said, squeezing his sister as tight as he could. Seokjin felt his heart soften at Yoongi's words. Seokjin stood there and smiled at the siblings love for each other.

Soon a doctor came in. "Hello everyone. I'm Doctor Kang and I've been monitoring Jiwoo. So we're wanting to keep her over night. She's suffered some definite trauma and we're wanting to see how she able to sleep before letting her return home. Is that alright?" Dr. Kang asked. The siblings all nodded and vocalized their agreement as Seokjin just stood there. "Alright well is anyone staying the night?" Dr. Kang asked, writing something on his clipboard. Yoongi and Jimin both raised their hands immediately. "Alright well I'll have the nurse bring you some blankets and pillows then." And then Dr. Kang left.

"Well I should probably get going then. I was supposed to interview you, but I'll have to do that another time. Maybe the day after tomorrow? That way your home and settled? " Seokjin asked, scratching the back of his neck. Jiwoo smiled and nodded. "Ok, well goodnight everyone!" Seokjin said as he went to walk out. "Wait!" Jiwoo exclaimed, widening her eyes. "Yeah?" He asked, cocking his head to the side. "Come here." She said quietly. He walked over to her and squatted down. "What is it?" He asked. Instead of answering, she carefully lifted her arms and gave him a hug. "Thank you." She said as she let go. "It was my pleasure." He said with a big smile as he stood back up. After saying their goodbyes and giving one last wave, he began on his walk to the parking lot. Hopefully I can get Joon to come get me.

(A/N this is what I imagine the hug between Jin and Jimin looking like

Look at that they have the same hair colors as they have in here :D ! Anyway I hope you liked this chapter! Bye!)

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Look at that they have the same hair colors as they have in here :D ! Anyway I hope you liked this chapter! Bye!)

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