14th December - Swapping = Stalking (1)

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 by Dandelion-Girl (Nessie M.)

We are only 3 days away from Christmas, and I, as usual, am only now buying my presents... Which means the shopping center is crowded, so double the trouble!

Yes, that's me: the clumsy and always forgetting things Olivia!

Thankfully, my list has only one name left - my best friend Elena.

I spot the perfect store for her gift, and get inside. In 10 minutes I find what I want, and 20 minutes later I am ready to go.

My phone starts ringing, and I try to take it off my purse, between the many bags I am carrying. Not the easiest task, specially if you decide to keep walking...

Of course it couldn't go well, so the next thing I know, I am bumping into someone.

I almost fall to the ground, along with everything I am holding, if this someone didn't catch me.

I look up to apologize and thank my savior.

A boy about my age, with brown hair, dark eyes, glasses and the cutest smile, stands in front of me.

I blink for second, recomposing myself.

"I am sorry! I was so distracted that I didn't see you!"

He chuckles.

"That's okay. Don't worry. My head is always somewhere else too. Did you get hurt?"

"No, no. I am fine! You held me before I hit the ground... Thanks for that! But all of our things fell!" I notice, kneeling to catch them.

He does the same, collecting his and helping me with mine.

We are back on our feet, face to face, just staring at each other.

What is up with you, Liv?

I clear my throat before I speak. "Well, sorry again! And thank you!"

"No worries, really! Anytime! Just try not to bump into me or anyone else again." He jokes, adjusting his glasses.

"Will do!" I exclaim and turn around with a (silly) smile on my face.

You definitely made a great first impression...

I mentally laugh, as I head to my car, reliving this embarrassing event and thinking about the boy with glasses.


The day after Christmas, and as our tradition demands, Elena and I meet at our favorite bakery.

We each get a season inspired cookie and a coffee, before sitting at our usual spot.

Every year since 7th grade, we come here to exchange our Christmas gift on the 26th of December, and this year isn't different.

"Open mine first, please! I really hope you to love it. I do!" She requests and I pick up her gift - a box wrapped in blue paper and a red bow.

I shake it before opening. Inside there is a replica of Mrs. Potts from Beauty and the Beast.

Elena knows me too well to fail. I am and always will be a Disney fan.

"Oh my! I have been looking for one of these everywhere! I love it! Thanks, bestie!" I exclaim and hug her.

"I never miss, my friend. You should know! Now give me mine!" Elena demands, clapping like a little girl.

I hand her my bag and she opens it right away.

"A unicorn plushie? It's cute, Liv. But..."

"Wait, what?! I didn't get you a unicorn!"

She laughs and takes the gift out.

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