22th December - Walking through Winter Wonderland

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by @violettalover124

Slowly I walked along the way through the woods. The snow under my feet made its typical sound and I breathed in and out deeply. The cold air seemed to burn inside my lungs, yet I couldn't imagine anything more perfect than long winter walks. Everything was so quiet, so peaceful in the cold season. For a few seconds I closed my eyes. Yes, this was how peace felt. Why couldn't it always be like this? The last rays oft he sun fell through the treetops. I hadn't noticed that it had become this late. I reluctantly turned left as soon as it was possible to walk back home.

While walking I suddenly felt a wight leaning against my leg. Surprised I looked down and saw a small white ball of fur trying to jump up my left leg. I smiled automatically and squatted down.

"From where do you little cutie come, hm?", I asked the little dog – without expecting an answer of course – and stroked its head. The little one tried to lick my hand but only cought my light grey glove, what made me laugh. I loved animals even more that my winter walks, which is why I immediately took this little dog into my heart.

Despite the upcoming darkness I decided to go a bit in the direction the dog had come from. A few hundered of meters later I found a little basket with a piece of paper on its handle. I loosened the string from the handle and opened the paper.

To give away, was written in letters that were difficult to read. Outraged, I held my breath. How could somebody be so cruel? There were enough animal shelters for the case you couldn't keep your pet. I looked at the dog, that luckily had followed me back here, and had – despite of this cruelness – to smile when I saw its look. It seemed as if it wanted to ask me what the matter was. I stroked its litte head again. For me it was clear, that I would keep it. I would make sure, that the little one was alright.

„Well, come on, you little snowball. Time to go home." I smiled at the dog and it actually followed me willingly to my apartment, where pets were fortunately allowed.

That same night I left my apartment again to buy some necessary things. The rest would follow later. And even though it had been in a horrible way, was snowball the best christmas present I've ever gotten.

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