Chapter 2: Mi Amor

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Chapter 2:  Mi Amor (My Love )

 Breathe in, breathe out. Deep breaths Gaby.  You can do this, I mentally cheered as I began packing my things away for Deity Academy. I was so nervous my hands shook and my heart beat frantically, but I tried to appear casual as I began putting my belongings away in my vibrant, purple suitcase.

 "Liss, I'm not sure. This is kind of a massive change, and I'm not sure if I want to leave," I confessed sadly, turning to face my best friend who dropped her spotty, scarlet dress to talk to me.

 "Hey, look it's going to be okay," she comforted as she came closer to give me a hug. I tightly hugged her back, encompassed by her floral perfume. She patted my back, and we stood there for a moment, enjoying having someone who cared. Alissa was more than just my best friend; she was my sister, and at times one of the few people who kept me from breaking.

"I don’t want to leave everything I know behind again," I whispered, ashamed of feeling so weak and vulnerable.

She pulled away slightly to stare me in the eyes. "Now you listen here Gabriella Hemera Willows. You are going to get through this, just like we did when you first got here, because we've got each other. Plus, there is no way in hell that I'm moving to a new scary ass school alone. We can do this, as long as I got my clothes and my sister, I know we can," she said with a determined glint in her soulful brown eyes.

 I mustered up my brightest smile and nodded hopefully. If Alissa believed in me, then so should I.

 "Now let's stop being so depressing, and have a little fun," she said cheerfully, walking towards our shared iPod dock. She scrolled through her playlist thoughtfully, eventually settling on Icona Pop's new song 'I Don't Care'. She grinned and began dancing around the room, twirling around as she threw things carelessly into her neon green suitcase. I shrugged and joined in, signing along with the catchy lyrics.

 Before I knew it, the sun took its rest, and we were almost done packing. In the end, it took us 6 playlists, 4 snack breaks, 2 pillow fights, and 1 screaming spider fit to clear our room.

 "Hey, I've got to go do something real quick. I'll meet you in the canteen in a bit," I said. I heard a muffled 'm-kay' from Alissa and rolled my eyes as I left.

 I walked outside spy-style in the shadowy light of the moon, towards the forest that surrounded the school. I slipped past the hole in the fence on hands and knees, cautiously making my way through the wildlife. The scuttling of nature soothed my apprehensive mind as I came closer to my destination. I knew the route like the back of my hand, and effortlessly jumped over hidden puddles and avoided the grappling limbs of the plants.

 I saw a break in the woods just ahead, and slowed down my hurried pace. I stepped into my secret rendezvous with a Cheshire cat's grin.

 There he was, sitting on the dewy grass, tapping his foot impatiently as his eyes searched anxiously around for me. I stood for a moment and admired his handsome appearance: his golden coloured eyes flecked with hints of bronze, his stylishly dishevelled chestnut hair, his chiselled features and muscular physique. I loved his gentle and understanding smile, his warm embrace, not to mention his soothing words that eased my every worry.

 Somehow he heard me, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front me. "Hi," I sighed as we locked gazes.

 "Hello," he whispered as he wrapped those strong arms around me and pulled me into his defined chest. I rested my cheek against his beating heart, instantly feeling calm and safe. For a moment, everything was perfect. I was here with him, and all was tranquil as we bathed in this wonderful time. Sadly reality seeped back into my blissful mind and turned it Eeyorish, ever the pessimist.

 "What's wrong, my love? I can tell something is not right with you," he asked with concern; my heart melted every time he gazed at me with that look that made me feel special and cared for.

 I reached up and cupped his cheek in the palm of my hand. I looked up into his loving eyes, and I felt true heartache that I may not see him again for a very long time. I took a deep breath before replying, "I have to leave, Amor."

 I regretted it the moment the words left my mouth. It was heart breaking to even think about leaving, let alone moving so far away I'd only get to see him every half a year or so. I know I'd crave for his company every minute, and I saw he felt the same way judging by the wounded pain in his eyes.

 His hands gripped my waist tighter, as if he was holding me from the action of departing. I could see the sadness and turmoil battling in those bright, gilt orbs.

 "No, Hemera. I can’t bear the thought of you leaving. Please stay with me?" He said as he ran his hand affectionately through my hair. He was the only one to call me Hemera, and it only felt right from his luscious, oh-so-kissable lips. "What can I say to make you stay? I'll do anything for you not to leave. Name it, my love," he pleaded brokenly, pressing his cool forehead against my heated skin. I shook my head despondently, tears flowing in an endless stream. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and stood up on tip toes.

 His lips leaned closer to mine, inching teasingly nearer. I reached up to meet his soft mouth halfway, and the moment I did felt like heaven. Sparks exploded within me, and I closed my eyes to enjoy the amorous sensations coursing through me. His hands moved themselves to cup my cheek, holding me close, as if the moment he let go I would vanish. His mouth on mine caused my heart to jump for joy in my chest.  He pulled our bodies closer together, ceasing all space between us. I never wanted to leave. We eventually pulled apart and enjoyed the peaceful time in one another's arms.

 "I wish I could stay Amor, but I have to move to a new school. It's called Deity Academy, but I-I don’t want to leave. I want to stay here with you, for ever." I admitted mournfully, looking up into those beautiful golden eyes that I've always loved. He gently caressed my cheek, wiping away the tears.

 "I don’t want you to leave either my love, but do not worry. We shall see each other again, I promise," he vowed determinedly. I nodded, and we kissed once again under the twinkling stars of the midnight sky.

 "How?" I asked him curiously, imagining him climbing up a tower to reach me like the Prince did for Repunzel.

 "I'll find a way because you can’t get rid of me that easily," he teased. I giggled as he flicked my nose playfully, tickling my sides until I couldn’t breathe from laughing so hard.

 "Stop, I surrender. You win!" I squealed as he threateningly brought his fingers closer to the sensitive tickle spot on my stomach.

 "Okay, mi amor. Anything for you," he said, kissing my forehead tenderly. I sighed in pleasure, his warm lips igniting an insatiable desire within me.

 "I'll miss you, Amor. So much." I said as I stroked an intricate pattern across his chest.

 "As will I," he said as he held my hand to his heart. "Every moment with you is a dream come true, my love. You must take care of yourself, and call me if you are ever in trouble. I love you, Hemera."

"I love you too, Amor."


 Hi there, thank you so much for reading :) Here's a virtual cookie for you:





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 Sim x

 P.S. Dedication to my darling Irrelevant_relevance for supporting this story in every way possible :)

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