You ring the door bell, shifting your heavy purse from one shoulder to the other. The lock on the door turns, and Anne greets you with a bone crushing hug. She rushes you inside and guides you to the living room, where Olive and Harry sit on the carpet.
You smile and look over to see that Anne also has a huge grin on her face, watching her son and granddaughter play. Harry sticks his tongue out to Olive, and her bubbly laughter fills the cozy space. You can't help but giggle at their silliness, which catches Harry's attention.
"Hi," he whispers, the smile on his face fading as he realizes you are here to retrieve Olive. He regrets not wanting to be involved in Olive's and your life. How was he supposed to balance both his amazing but demanding job and a baby? He had his whole career ahead of him, and he couldn't let such an amazing opportunity go to waste.
"Hi Harry." You make your way to the couch and sit down. At the sound of your voice, Olive becomes aware that her mommy is here and she comes rushing to you.
"Hi mommy!" She hugs your legs with her tiny arms.
"Hi Ollie," you reply. Before you can give her a kiss on her cheek, she is running as fast as her little legs can take her, back to where Harry is sprawled out on the floor.
She gets right in his face and pushes her forehead against his. He takes her small body in his big hands and throws her into the air, catching her on the way down. You can not help but laugh as Olive asks Harry to do it again. Her contagious fit of joyous giggles soon filled the entire house, and everyone was laughing.
As you watch the single most important person in your life so happy and accepting with someone who put you through incredible pain, it makes you wonder if you should have broken up with Harry in the first place. Harry took the blame for the break up because of his solo career, but truly, it was you who thought best for Harry to focus on music instead of trying to raise a baby at twenty three when he had his whole life ahead of him.
Looking at the two of them now, you see how alike they truly are. When you had first met Harry, his hair was very curly and long. Now, three years later, his long locks are gone, but the soft curls still peak out from the base of his neck. Olive has those same bouncy curls that she twists with her fingers when she is tired.
He is more mature. He looks wiser and older, but he still has that boyish grin and playful side to him. His handsome forest green eyes sparkle as he watches Olive sing while she plays with his ear. He tickles her tummy with his finger, and she turns into the Giggle Monster once more.
Once Olive has calmed down, she crawls over Harry's legs and sits herself in his lap. She takes one look at him and pecks him on the lips. "I wuv you Hawee!" Your heart breaks with a pang of guilt, and you wish every day could have moments like this.
Harry kisses her back on the cheek, and carefully lays her down next to him, before attacking her with raspberries. You hate to stop the lovely scene in front of you, but you have to get home before dark.
"Alright Ollie, I think it's time to go babe," you chuckle at the pout both her and Harry make toward you.
"No. I stay hewe." Her foot stomps the ground and her eyes start to water when you give her a challenging glare. You can not believe this is happening right now. You roll your eyes as Harry walks towards you and gets on his knees, folding his hands together, begging you. Olive sees this, and mimics Harry's actions.
"I'll make sure they don't get into trouble," Anne chuckles as she looks on from the kitchen.
"Please," Harry pleads, he has puppy dog eyes just like his daughter.