The Final Straw (Ichika Escapes)

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Ichika accidently trips and falls on poor Kanzashi, and while she and her sister were sympathetic, the others were not. They chased him all over the school and this time went way too far with the violence and insults. Ichika thought of this before, but he always stuck with his friends and that stopped. He finally decided to actually reflect on his friendships and... his siblinghood.

Ichika: Now that I think about it, other than than saving my life a few times, what things have they done nicely? NEVER had I heard at least a 'thank you' or 'I'm sorry'. I'm constantly being nice and accepting blame without ever actually getting some sort of positive reaction. How about some understanding? Or perhaps put the violent girls in detention rather than encourage them, you total bitch of a sister! If you treated Madoka like this, than I'd agree with her! I'm done! Treat your next younger sibling better and maybe you will keep them! BECAUSE I QUIT! Those girls... Houki, Cecilia, Rin, Charlotte, and Laura, better find another whipping boy. I'M LEAVING THIS SCHOOL TONIGHT!

Ichika than swiftly packed some clothes, money, and he was about to put the Byakushiki down on the bed when he was stopped.

????: Don't leave me! Take me with you!

He turned to see the woman from when he fought the silver gospel looking at him in tears.

????: Please... TAKE ME WITH YOU!

Ichika: Okay. You are probably one of my only TRUE friends. Though I do not know your name.

????: Thank you! Let me take these for you. My name is Setsura.

She then disappeared in a flash of light with all of the luggage.

Ichika: She is a lot nicer than those girls.


Ichika was at the lobby of the academy, finally about be free.

????: Just where do you think you're going Orimura.

He turned around to see his ex sister Chifuyu.

Ichika: Away from here, that's where Ms.Orimura. My new last is Itsuka, not Orimura.

Chifuyu was shocked at his nature. His voice was cold and unyielding and he just declared his intent to end their siblinghood. She took this very personally.


Ichika: I was treated like trash my entire time here. I've been nothing but nice, yet I'm beaten and called a plethora of names for a fucking accident! You even encouraged them! I'M DONE! And who the hell do I think I am?! I'm a boy with a mind whose done with this shit! I AMMM LEEEEAAAAVIIIINNNNGG!!!

Those words hit her heart like a sledge hammer. But those words were also heard by the girls who caused the problem. They zoomed in rapidly in their IS units. Ichika just looked over at them

Ichika: Well if it isn't the international harlot squad, friendly Ichika is not home, would you like to leave a message?

This surprised the girls, he just insulted them and is yelling at his sister. Houki was pissed and forgot about the change. She quickly ran forth to throw a punch.

Houki: ICHIKA!

He simply caught her punch and twisted her wrist, causing her to scream in pain only for him to kick her in the stomach with the force of a cannon. Now the girls and Chifuyu were really worried. He never lashed out like this.

Cecilia: What has gotten into you?!

Ichika: Common sense and the need to act for myself! I will not be beaten or insulted anymore! For the first time in my life, I'm acting on what I want not what YOU want! So, goodbye, auf Wiedersehen, au revoir, zài jiàn. Maybe you can actually win over the next male IS pilot if you don't try and train him like a dog! Hopefully I can find someone who actually appreciates me.

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