Meeting a Ramen Chef and Ex

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Ichika just finished breakfast with his now insane sister, who reluctantly let him go talk to Rin. He found her in the hall, looking at him with regret.

Ichika: R-

Rin: I'm sorry. I simply do not know what else to say. I promise never to try to hurt you again.

Ichika: I don't see a point in staying mad, so I forgive you. Staying mad would only show me as no better than you were.

Rin hugged him.

Rin: Thank you Ichika! But now to get something out of the way.

Ichika: What?

Rin: The promise you made me, I thought you meant you swore to marry me.

Ichika: Why? You said you wanted to taste test your food.

Rin: No! I wanted to be your wife! The woman who would make you your meals and have your children! I LOVE YOU ICHIKA ORIMURA!

Ichika: I knew you loved me, but I would never marry a woman who hits me with a war machine over jealousy regularly.

Rin: I'm sorry! We were just too wimpy to come out and say it. Well you know what?! It seems the ramen chef beat the noblewoman, super soldier, crazy genius's little sister, french maid, crazy president, and cute nerd girl in the task of revealing my love! So please... just give me answer. I don't even care if it's a no at this point.

Ichika: I... do love you too. I love all of you. That's the truth. I just don't think I can handle a relationship after being used by my own flesh and blood for so long. Hell, you girls were so violent, that I considered dating a man instead. I just... don't think I'll be able to trust anyone enough to even date, much less marry for a very long time.

Rin: You really do love me?! Knowing that is enough for me. Don't worry, I'll make everything up, you won't have to do anything. Just let me kiss you.

Ichika: Okay.

She grabbed Ichika's shoulders and pulled herself to his face as he prepared to kiss her. The two's lips touched smooth, cold metal.

?????: What in the nine circles of hell are you doing with my brother, Huang?

The two were kissing the flat of a katana. That was held by a outright furious Chifuyu.

Rin: Showing I intend to change. You need to go away you manipulative pedophile! You enslaved your own sibling. At least I'm trying to change.

Chifuyu: You're still after his dick, are you not?

Rin: No, I want all of him. I realize I acted horribly. But at least I stopped. You just want him as a servant and sex slave, because you're too pathetic to actually get off your ass and support yourself without Ichika eating your pussy all the time. GET A MAN YOUR OWN AGE DAMN IT!

The moment her monologue stopped, she found herself struggling to breathe due to two hands around her throat. Courtesy of Chifuyu.

Chifuyu: Shut it, you brat!

Ichika: Ms-

Chifuyu: Call me by first name.

Ichika: Chifuyu, stop! You're going to kill her!

Chifuyu: What do you think I am trying to do?

Ichika: Stop! Please!

Chifuyu: No! I will not allow her to seperate us!

Ichika: How are we supposed to have children if you're in prison?

Chifuyu released Rin. The girl fell to the ground gasping. Chifuyu looked at him with a blush.

Chifuyu: I'll have you regardless of my record. All that matters is our love.

Ichika: Married couples need more than just love to feed the children. Murderers usually have trouble getting jobs.

Chifuyu: I presume you accepted my feelings with the way you're speaking.

Ichika: Yes, but limit yourself until I'm out of school and eighteen.

Chifuyu: Very well.

Ichika: I hope you're okay with the mess that will occur from us having a relationship.

Chifuyu: Don't you worry your adorable face about that. Just sit back and let your sister work.

She then kissed his cheek before walking off. Ichika looked at the now fully awake Rin.

Rin: How could you? 

Ichika: I have no intention of marrying her. She's clearly insane and needs mental help. I'm only appeasing her for everyone's sake.

Rin: You mean-

Ichika: Yes, I am not my sister's bitch boy. It's just I can't overpower her or force her to listen right now. I'll just have to keep her tame until she can be restrained.

Rin: Bu she'll force you to have sex-

Ichika: Most likely, but that's the price of keeping you and the other girls off the chopping block. I'm not a virgin anyway.

Rin: WHAT!?

Ichika: My first time was with my now ex-girlfriend Autumn Cuvi. The psycho girl in the spider IS.

Rin: You dated that crazy bitch?

Ichika: Yeah, we were fine even after my discovery of her wicked nature. We broke up over the phone when Chifuyu found.

Rin: Why do you attract all the psychos?

Ichika: Because I don't judge them for it.

Rin: Now let's get this over with.

Ichika: Wh-

Rin pulled Ichika by the collar into a kiss.

(Night Time)

Ichika heard knocking at his door. He opened it to see Houki, Laura, and Rin.

Rin: Houki, Laura,  and I came to an agreement.

Ichika: What?

Rin: We'll all be your girlfriends.

Houki: Sounds fair considering the trouble we caused

Laura: We shall be the active lovers though.

Ichika: Sounds like a good idea. How did you deal with Chifuyu?

Houki: Oh she won't be a problem for a bit.

Ichika: What did you do?

Laura: Caused her a lot of paperwork.

Ichika: How?

Rin: We messed up the instructor and administrator computer and made all files go to Chifuyu.

Houki: And damaged every object needing a permit and registration.

Ichika: So she's drowning in paperwork.

Laura: That's about right.

Ichika: Good job girls.


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