Night Hunter

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"How dare you use that tone of voice!" Shouts mum. I roll my eyes.

"Get out" I tell them.

"No we're here to talk about yours and Rhydians behaviour!"my mum said.

"Why do you care?" My brother Rhydian said behind me. He probably just got home. I walk over to him and stand beside him.

"We do care we're your parents"

"You didn't care when we left why the hell do you care now?!" I shouted.I stand there glaring at the both of them.


"REALLY?!" I shout at them .I got up really close to my parents face.

"If you ever and I mean EVER, call yourselfs our parents, I will personally make sure your company gets ruined, got it?!" I say venom dripping from my every word.They nod there heads frantically.

"NOW GET THE FUCK OUT AND NEVER COME BACK!" I shout at them. Just as they were about to leave, my 5 favourite gang boys strolled in looking at the scene. All eyes are on my parents, they look at them with disgust. The boys know what my parents are like.

Jessica and Travis, my asshole parents, stand there frozen in place. I roll my eyes and watch as Mike shoves them toward the door.

He slams the door shut and wipes imaginary dust off his hands. They all look at me and I just stare at the ground. I can't deal with this. So I do the most weirdest thing. I'm going see Hunter.

"Where does Hunter live?" I ask. They all looked at my puzzled.I sigh and roll my eyes.

"He lives on 17 cherry blossom road"

I bursted out laughing I just find that so funny. I stop laughing and have a 'I'm an idiot moment', I live on cherry blossom road. Okay that was major awkward. That means he lives next door, how cliché!.

I don't even know him but I feel like I I've known him forever. I walk up stairs and into my room. I change into some baggy pants that sit on my hips and it to my ankles, my crop top and I throw my hair up in a bun. I really could careless about what I looked like. I wipe off my make up and oil my leather jacket around my shoulders.

"I'll be back later" I shout out to who ever is home. I start walking over to the house next door but see my "parents" siting on the balcony. I just walk strait past them. I can hear them calling my name but I ignore it. I knock on Hunters door and on the third knock the door swings right open.

I walk past him and strait up stairs. I found a room that says Hunter and I entered it. It was really clean surprisingly. I jump into his bed not care about that he doesn't know why I'm here or why I barged in like that.

I watch him enter the bathroom and I can hear the water running. I sit there playing with my hair twisting and weaving it through my fingers. The shower stops and Hunter walks out with a towel around his waist. I can see the water dripping off his hair, I sit up when I notice his abs. I start to count them.

"Finished staring?" He asked amused.

"Shut up I'm counting!" I Mumbled.

"6 abs" I gasped. He chuckled and went to get a shirt on.I turn around while he puts some pants on. I lay my head on the pillow and face the wall.

I feel the bed dip and someone slide into bed. I smile and close my eyes. I feel an arm snake around my waist pulling me into his warm body. Night Hunter.

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