The Plan

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Kongpob was standing in front of the drinks stall in his campus cafetaria that morning. As usual, he will buy a glass of strawberry milk for Arthit to start the day. Kongpob smiled slightly. Yes, whenever he imagined Arthit's face drinking strawberry milk with a straw, he would always giggle in amused. No one can defeat Arthit's cuteness, when he has dealt with strawberry milk.

"I heard, Arthit already knows everything." Suddenly a familiar voice was heard in Kongpob's ear and stopped his fantasy about Arthit.

Kongpob turned. Aim stood beside him while putting his hands in his jacket pocket. "One chocolate milkshake please, aunty." Aim said to the owner of the drink stall. "I salute you. I don't think you are brave enough to uncover who you really are. And I also didn't expect that cowardly Arthit could be able to face all the reality." Aim said again, when he didn't get any response from Kongpob.

Kongpob sighed lazily, "Aim, listen to me. I will let you this time, because I still think you are one of Arthit's best friends. But if you still have the guts to interfere in our business, I will not remain silent. Now, you better be quiet and calm at your place, and don't do anything that will make you regret it later. Do you understand that? " Threaten Kongpob.

Aim laughed softly, "I don't think I can defeat Arthit. Even after everything I've done, it can't make you change your mind and turn away from him."

"The strawberry milk is ready, N'Kongpob." Said the owner of the stall, while holding out a glass of strawberry milk to Kongpob. Kongpob smiled, thanked her, then gave a piece of money to her. Kongpob immediately carried his strawberry milk and wanted to go away from there.

"I will assume, the incident in my apartment at that time, never happened." Kongpob said, then walked away. However, again Aim's sentence was holding him back.

"But I don't want to give up, Kongpob." Aim said. Kongpob fell silent in his place while staring at the ground. Aim grinned while approaching Kongpob. "I don't want to give up." Aim whispered to Kongpob's ear. "This is the first time I've fallen in love, and there's no way I let you go easily. Arthit may be my best friend ... but I won't give up to my love for you. He's the one who steal you from me. I fell in love with you first, Kongpob! But why did Arthit is the one who get your heart?? It's not fair!! " Said Aim trembling.

"What do you mean, Aim?"

"I'll take you from Arthit. I'm sure I will make you mine." Aim stared at Kongpob bitterly. His tears were almost down, but he quickly left from there before Kongpob really saw him crying.

Kongpob is still silent in his place. Do not know what to do. He himself did not understand, what he meant earlier. He became confused. All the things that he would doing is gonna be wrong. Aim is a good friend of his lover, but without his lover knowing, Aim has a bad intentions to him. Kongpob is eager to say everything to Arthit. But the problem is ... will Arthit believe him? Because Arthit is a person who always believes in his best friends 100%. It is very unlikely Arthit would trust Kongpob's words without any evidence.

"Kongpob .."

In the midst of his hesitation, suddenly, someone who he believed as his sun, held him tightly from behind. Kongpob immediately smiled, when he felt Arthit's arms tighten on his body.

"Miss me?" Kongpob teases him. Arthit then let go of his arms and walked to Kongpob.

"Not really," he said. Kongpob laughed amused.

"You really like to pull out my feelings."

"So what?" Said Arthit, sticking his tongue naughty.

"I'll get you later." Kongpob pouted his lips. "Here, I've bought for you." Kongpob said while holding out strawberry milk in his hand to Arthit. Arthit accepted it happily and immediately sipped it up to an half a glass.

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