Chapter 1

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'thoughts and talking to Kyuubi through thoughts'    'Kyuubi thoughts'

"talking"           "Kyuubi speaking or demonic voice"

Naruto POV

'Ahh... so much pain. Why did Sasuke have to put a couple of holes in my chest?' It was just after the mission to retrieve Sasuke and I managed to get him back. He and I fought I won but at a cost. He had used a chidori straight through my chest TWICE. If he wasn't my friend and if I was trying to kill him while using full strength he would have died in the first ten seconds of battle.

But no the village would hate me for hurting their precious 'Uchiha-sama' heck they already hate me for being a jinjuriki. Yes I know I hold the nine tails, I know my heritage and everything and yet the village is still fooled by my mask.

Third POV

The two figures were walking towards the large Kohona gates. One was carrying the other but both were covered in blood.

As the got closer the gate keepers woke up a sleeping pink haired girl (bet you know who that is). She slowly got up to see a little blob in the distance. It was red all over but you could just make out the yellow hair of the one walking and the black hair of the other.

The guard had already sent a message to the hokage which she immediately came to the gate along with Kakashi Hatake and the rest of the council. Most of the village had arrived as the would love to see their precious 'Uchiha-sama' back.

When they all say the state he was in all the murmurs of the people started to turn into screams aimed at the young blonde carrying the unconscious Uchiha.





All of these hurt the the blonde but not as much as the hate he received from the ones he thought accepted him. The ones known as Kakashi, their Sensei and the Fifth Hokage, Lady Tusnade.

Naruto POV

W-what? I brought back Sasuke as they wanted.Do they not see the blood that is all over him is my blood? Do they not see I have two fucking holes in my chest? Have they yet to realise that I just saved them fromdealing with Orchimaru? HAVE TH-

"Kit. Calm down. Breath... yes just like that breathe. And for what you asked 'no' because they are blinded.They are stupid and they do not realise who you are" Thanks Kurama.I gue- my speaking to Kurama was cut short by a scream. One I knew far to well.

"NARUTO YOU BAKA. WHAT DID YOU DO TO SASUKE-KUN?! LOOK AT HIM HE IS ALL BLOODIED. I ASKE YOU TO BRING HIM BACK NOT BRING HIM BACK HALF DEAD" she screamed as she ran up to him. She grabbed Sasuke as the medics ran to help him. Yet no one came for Naruto.

"Now now, Sakura. I am sure he can explain why he has hurt Sasuke that much. Now we must get the others" said Kakashi as he helped Sakura walk back to the medics, not even sparing a glance at Naruto to see if he was hurt. What was worse was that Lady Tusnade had yet to even speak to him. She was just checking Sasuke. She never even looked at Naruto.

"YOU ARE A MONSTER. I WISH YOU NEVER BECAME MY TEAMMATE. YOU SHOULD JUST GO AHEAD AND DIE FOR ALL I CARE. THE VILLAGERS WERE RIGHT YOU ARE A DEMON" yelled Sakura causing an uproar with the other villagers and shinobi there. Tusnade just ignores him and Kakashi was slightly nodded his head. Barely anyone notice but I did.

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