First Letter ♥

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It's been a long time since I saw you face-to-face if you could say that XD

I hope the tour is going well.

Are you eating well?

Are you staying healthy?

Please don't overwork yourself, I can't stand you looking sick or hurt.


Yours Truly  E.S


That's the letter that started it all. No spazzing...just pure feelings from someone he doesn't know. It doesn't say much, but to him it means the world. It's not every day you find a considerate fan.

Almost every letter says the same thing:

"Oh, I love you so much!"

"You are so sexy!"

"Just one night with me, and you would never let me go."

"Baby, let's go shopping!"

Sex , money and his body. That's what they see. No heart, no nothing. Yeah, it's the life of a Pop Idol, but at what cost?

Being alone, no real friends and real love. Well, maybe real for him but not for the other half.

''Bro! Why are you so serious? Are you okay?''

''Huh? Oh, it's just this letter. It's so different..."


"Yeah. No confessions of love, no perverted suggestions, no nothing, just..."He stopped and stared at the letter. "...pure concern for me and my health.''

"Huh? Really?!''

"Mhmm..." He nodded.

"Nice to know that there are real fans out there!''

As days passed, they continued with their schedules. Being in one of the biggest bands is not easy. Fan signings, practices, recordings and performances. Still, he couldn't keep his mind off that simple letter.

Another week passed and another bag of fan letters arrived. The manager gave them to their respective owners. One by one, they inmerse themselves in reading their letters. On the other hand, his reading was not interesting at all; until he came to see one that was from the same girl. Just like the last one, it was filled with the girl's heart:


HI! It's me again.

So, I just found out that you're sick.

And I saw what happened a few days ago at the airport, so please take care.

I don't want you to end up in the hospital because of some careless fans that don't think of your safety.

Sometimes, I think they forgot that you are a human being just like everyone else :)

Don't get hurt, PLEASE!

Yours Truly  E.S


After that, he didn't bother to keep reading letters. He stood up from his seat and walked to his room and saved the letter in a box that contained the most precious items in his life.

''I don't know who you are... but thank you.'' he said before closing the box.

He went back to the living room only to find the manager once again in the dorm.

''Okay boys, tomorrow you have an interview at ten. So, be up early.'' they all nodded.

The night came fast. They excused themselves one by one and went to sleep, except him. He stayed on the sofa, daydreaming of the girl that could have written those letters.

*Is she from here? From Europe? What--how would she look like?*

His mind was trying to answer all these questions that came popping into his mind, even if he knew it was imposible for him to know.

''I wish I could at least know your name...'' he said to himself before going off into deep sleep.


Author note:  See you next chapter... I like short and sweet update cuz' cliffhangers are life 🤣😘🙌

From : Yours TrulyWhere stories live. Discover now