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needless to say, i had managed to get an appointment the next morning. my parents had thought i'd left to school, but in reality, i went back to the hospital.

and trying to find the place the doctor told me to go had been a bit difficult, but i eventually found it.

everyone looked at me weird for being there and i was glad they couldn't see my stomach. i had worn a hoodie to hide my stomach.

i did wonder why i was showing at 8 weeks. my best guess was that i'm skinny so i show sooner than others, but there had to be something else to do with it.

while i waited to be called, i kept declining every call i got. i ignored every text i got and tried not to listen to anyone.

i had made up my mind and i wasn't going to let anyone make me think otherwise. i don't know for how long i waited, but my name was soon called.

i took a deep breath and followed the nurse inside. i ignored everyone's stare as i walked by them.

as followed the nurse to the room i'd be in, i couldn't help get a bit nervous. "the doctor will be with you shortly." the nurse said as i walked into the room. she closed the door as she walked out and i sighed.

as i looked around the room, there were pictures of pregnancies. i looked at all of them and flinched when i heard someone knock.

"hello, tyler. how are you today?" the doctor said as she walked in. i shrugged and looked away from her.

"i've been better." i said and she nodded, looking down at her clipboard.

"well tyler, could you please lay down for me? i need to do a quick ultrasound." she said and i nodded.

i laid down as she got everything ready. "could you please lift your shirt and lower your jeans a bit." she said as she turned to face me once again.

i did as she said and she put some sort of gel on my lower stomach. i slightly flinched at how cold it was. "well, let's take a look at this baby." she said and slightly smiled.

as she moved the wand around my stomach, not once did i look at the screen. "well, that definitely explains why you're showing so early." she said and i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

i turned to look at her and she simply smiled at me. "would you like to hear the heartbeat?" she asked and i reluctantly nodded.

i watched her press a certain button and soon enough, a heartbeat was heard. i turned to look at the screen and just as i did, there was a second heartbeat. i felt my eyes water and a lump form at the back of my throat as i watched the screen.

"seems to me like you're having twins." she said and pointed to the twins. "that's them right there."

as i watched them, i couldn't hold back my sobs. hearing their heartbeats was enough to change my mind. there wasn't one, but two babies inside me.

"would like a picture of them?" she asked as she wiped the gel off of my stomach.

"yes." i said and wiped away my tears. i heard her chuckle and i looked over at her.

"i knew you'd change your mind and i'm so glad you did." she said with a smile on her face. i chuckled and sat up.

she printed the pictures before placing them inside an envelop and handing them to me. and as i was making my way out of the hospital, i couldn't believe that i was pregnant with twins.

once i was inside my car, i looked over the pictures and couldn't help get emotional. i took a deep breath and wiped my tears before leaving the parking lot.

Fool For You - Jyler [mpreg] √Where stories live. Discover now