✧ ~ Missions XI and XII Reports ~ ✧

176 17 10

Congratulations Warriors for more fantastic months of reading! I apologise this chapter has taken so long to put together, but it's here now for your enjoyment. Even now, it's not entirely complete, but we have seen all the numbers! This just ended up being an awful lot of work for the team, so we thank you for your cooperation.

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Before we get onto everyone's results, a huge congratulations should be given to RainerSalt for achieving the highest number of points accumulated in August: 132 points! Thank you for all you have done for the community. As a reward, an admin who has not yet read your work will read and review the first five chapters of your book.

Also, congratulations to SashaLeighS for achieving the highest number of points in September with 148 points! An admin who has not yet read your work will read and review the first five chapters of your book as your reward!

Of course, it is now time to for a new Book of the Bimester. The person who accumulated the most number of points over the two months is: RainerSalt!  This awesome warrior scored 194 points and their book becomes the next BOTB! More information will be coming soon.

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Below, you will find your points. If you have not reported your points for August and/or September, please do so now. Or, more likely, I just didn't get around to adding all the info quite yet.

Note: this list reflects the current active members as of September. If you had been on hiatus or inactive for any reason, this was taken into consideration, and were not on the list sent to us. 

We'll basically be doing a reboot with how we track points from now on. Changing to groupings/teams rather than genres will hopefully provide everyone with more reading options. One admin for each group makes it easier to find everyone's points easily. 

Beginning in November, points will be tracked by author and not by book. This means the points for reading book A's partner and book B's partner will be combined. However, should you win Book Of The Bimester, the book that accumulated the most points will be the featured one. 

A revision of the rules allows for each book to win BOTB only once. However, an author may win once a calendar year, but again the following year with a different book. We want our active readers and writers to keep feeling as if this group is beneficial while offering equal opportunities to new members. <3

Action and Fanfiction - General: AuthorJMColes

143 daintylittlegal

Sep: (Melodies) 8 points = 8 points!

Total: = 8 points!

198 LunarAquarius

Aug: (Adopted by That One band) 8 points = 8 points!

Sep: (Killer Instinct) 8 points = 8 points!

Total: 16 points!

225 allfandoms3

Aug: (I Don't Take Shit) 14 points + (NatElla) 7 points = 21 points!

Total: 21 points!

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