~ Important Announcement ~

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Dear Warriors,

I hate to be writing this on the eve of our 1 year anniversary, but as many of you are probably aware, activity from both myself (lionobsession) and the main Wonder Writers account has all but ceased over the past few weeks. That is because I have been overwhelmed in my real life with university work and other commitments where I am in a role of leadership, and therefore organisation. 

My stress and anxiety levels have also risen considerably over that time, though not just due to the club work, I assure you. What you might not be aware of is the fact it takes me between 4-5 hours to sort the book club pairings each month, and another 3-4 sorting out the points totals. Then, repartnering members throughout the month just eats out more time in my ever growing schedule.

I'm not putting the blame on you - I would never do that! You are all wonderful and it's just my drive to make others happy that means I put all this time and effort into the club. (Making others happy is my lifetime goal!)

However, as I have been advised by friends and family, I need to keep my mental health in check. Therefore, I am sad to say that I cannot run the club any more.

I have been speaking with the founder, DianaTheThird, who is also unable to return to manager duties due to work, and we have come up with a series of options.

We are putting it to you, the Warriors of WWBC, to decide the fate of the club.

Option One

Someone takes over the club.

If any of you out there would like to have the chance of running WWBC, I will happily hand over the reigns. I can talk you through everything there is to do (I make it sound like a lot, but it's not that much if you keep on top of it) and give you access to all the documents that I have been using that makes keeping a track of everything a lot easier.

Of course, you can employ new admins, change the routines, etc., in order to help you in this transition period. Feel free to talk to me about it.

Option Two

Admins take control.

This isn't as scary as it sounds. Basically, the admins of each group will be responsible for pairing the members of their category. They will also be responsible for posting the Mission Reports for each category.

However, to make things easier, there will be no extra missions and if a member doesn't complete a mission, they get a strike. Three strikes and you're out.

But in order for this to happen, we need to recruit some more admins.

Option Three

The club goes on hiatus.

I add this as an option as I know there are also many of you out there who are also struggling in balancing work and Wattpad. I have received many messages about people wishing to go on hiatus, and I have a list of inactive members about as long as the active members.

However, it would go on hiatus until either DianaTheThird or I feel comfortable in bringing it back. I cannot say when that will be.

So those are the options. I understand that some of you will be upset it has been brought to this, but I can't continue in this format. Please understand that WWBC isn't the only aspect of my life that I'm cutting - I say yes to too many things - so don't think that I'm writing this message only to you. I have similar ones ready to send in other areas of my life.

If you are interested in Option One and taking over the club, please comment inline here:

If you are interested in Option Two and becoming an admin/continuing on being an admin, please comment inline here:

If you feel Option Three is the best route to choose for now, please comment inline here:

For any other comments, concerns, or queries, please comment here:

Please note that if I do not get a volunteer for Option One or enough admins for Option Two, Option Three will be the only solution.

Thank you and many apologies,

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