The Breakfast Club - Fifth Harmony

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Okay, so there's been like loads of requests for a breakfast club fifth harmony fic thing and I figured that I literally have nothing better to do with my time so I'd start one. I don't think it's been started before but if it has then I'm sorry and I'll delete it straight away. I could literally imagine Lauren as being Andrew, John and Brian in this so the casting thing was really difficult but I think I figured it out so yeah. Credits completely to the original film.

Saturday, March 24th 1984. Shermer High School, Shermer, Illinois. 60062.

The school halls were completely deserted, eerily quiet and unlit as they usually were on a Saturday morning. Being 4 minutes to 7, the majority of the students were asleep in the comfort of their own beds, trying desperately to recover from 5 days of hell. The school cafeteria wasn't filled with the usual hustle of students rushing in, trying desperately to take advantage of their long awaited break from lessons.

Dear Mr Vernon, we accept that we had to sacrifice Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. What we did was wrong. But we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. What do you care? You see us as you wanna see us. In the simplest terms and the most convenient definitions. You see us as a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess and a criminal. Correct? That's the way we saw each other at 7 o'clock this morning. We were brainwashed.

The student store was usually surrounded by students purchasing new books after theirs either got stolen by the school criminal or flushed down the toilets by the wrestling team. It must have been the emptiness of the classrooms that highlighted the graffiti on the desks, with no slumped over, exhausted body to hide it, the words "I'M EATING MY HEAD" were clearly visible etched into a plank of wood. The lines of lockers were for once actually visible, as was the apparent lack of duties by the school janitor as one seemed to be left open, it's contents piled upon the corridor floor.

"I don't like MONDAYS" was clearly scratched into the wall. It would be impossible to find the culprit for an action such as this, because it is highly doubtful that anyone actually likes Mondays, or the remainder of the week days. Although the fact that 'Monday' was etched in complete capitals maybe highlights the fact that there is a particular hatred towards this day, and the huge effect it has on the two previous.

The words "SENIOR SPIRIT SOARS" were printed clearly on a banner across the curtain in the auditorium. Perhaps this had some relevance to the array of trophies filling the cabinet, or the newspaper sprawled across the flaw reading "CLARKE SPARKS GRAPPLERS" across the front page. This however was completely contradicted by the notebook that could be seen lying on a random desk in an abandoned classroom, open at a page which read the word 'help' repeated over 20 times in a variety of sizes.

Although it was a Saturday morning and the majority of students were at home, catching up on that much needed rest, this wasn't the case for everyone.

Camilla was sat in her fathers BMW parked outside the school steps, looking out in disgust and annoyance as she considered the events of the day ahead.

"I can't believe you can't get me out of this" she shook her head in disbelief, while her father could do nothing more than sigh and shake his head in seemingly amusement.

"I mean, it's so absurd I have to be here on a Saturday. I mean it's not like I'm a defective or anything".

Alejandro moved closer to his daughter. "I'll make it up to ya. Honey, ditching class to go shopping doesn't make you a defective. Have a good day".

He reached into the back seat and handed Camila a bag, placing a hand on her shoulder in support. Camila rolled her eyes at her fathers comment, she was in school. On a Saturday. How could she possibly have a good day? She chose not to respond and instead climbed out of the car and walked up the school steps, not taking a second to look back.

Dinah was caromed into the front of her mothers car, with one of her younger sisters separating the two of them. She too looked out the window in disbelief as to what had happened.

"Is this the first time or the last time we do this?" Her mother asked with a hint of annoyance regarding her daughters actions. She was fully aware of the effect this day would have on her studying.

"The last" Dinah responded.

"Well get in there and use the time to your advantage"

"Mom, we're not supposed to study we just have to sit there and do nothing"

"Well listen, you figure out a way to study". She was not willing to let her daughter suffer academically from this. Her grades were her number one priority and she wasn't about to let Dinah slack.

"Yeah" the youngest girl agreed with her mother, although it may be accurate to assume she didn't have a clue what was going on.

Dinah did nothing but look at her younger sister with regret, until her mother ushered her out of the car.

"Well go!" She silently complied with her mothers request and climbed out of the car, dragging her backpack along with her.

"Hey, I screwed around. Girls screw around nothing wrong with that"

Normani nodded her head in agreement to her fathers words, although a look of regret was still evident on her face.

"Except you got caught, sport"

"Yeah, mom already reemed me, alright"

"You wanna miss a match? Wanna blow your ride?"

Normani couldn't bring herself to look her father in the eye, and instead shook her head lightly, looking down, pulling her bottom lip into her mouth.

"Now, no schools gonna give a scholarship to a discipline case"

She finally brought herself to look at her father as she processed his words. But, instead of responding, she simply climbed out of the truck, lunch bag in hand and slammed the door shut

Unlike the others, Lauren didn't receive a ride in from her parents, she simply walked across the parking lot, hands in the pockets of her coat, almost getting ran over in the process, something that she didn't seem the slightest bit phased by.

It was Ally's car that almost collided with the school bad ass, and as it stopped, she climbed out of the backseat, without saying a word and hesitantly walked up to the front window, expected some sort of words of encouragement or even acknowledgment from her parents. This was completely diminished as the car drove away just as she was bending down to the windows level.

It was clear even from afar that these five people weren't your typical clique.

Dressed in a brown leather jacket covering a pink fabric shirt with a lace white scarf around neck, topped off with a brown patterned skirt that reached below her knees and a pair of brown boots, Camila was clearly the school 'princess'. Rich family. Good looks. This was someone obliviously used to getting what she wanted.

A brown jacket with a yellow scarf poking out the end, overlapping her beige trousers and sensible blue trainers showed that Dinah was your typical, under the radar, student. Big brains and small acknowledgment.

With her state varsity jacket, blue jeans and white nikes, Normani was your typical athlete. High status, big hopes and huge pressures.

Lauren was your everyday criminal. Dressed in a long grey coat, loose grey trousers, and big black boots with a bandanna wrapped around the top of the right, it was hard not to make assumptions about her personality. The black sunglasses added to her mysterious nature, but everyone knew what she was about. Low respect and big trouble.

The last of the five detentionees, Ally, only emphasised the variety of the group. Dressed in a long brown coat with a fur hood, a dark blue skirt over black leggings, high topped black shoes with white socks sticking out the top, she was labelled as the school nut case. Not much to say yet everyone knew who she was.

This was clearly an unlikely group, but being forced to spend the rest of the day shut away together, no one would have expected what was to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2014 ⏰

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