Chapter 10-Worried

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?Amanda's P.O.V: (Special)

I opened the door to the room, where Bill and Taylor were sitting in. "Hey Tay! Nice that you're back!" "Hey Mandy!", he muttered. "What's wrong?", I asked. "Nothing."

"He's depressed.", Bill answered instead. "Aww, I'm really sorry about this thing with Taylor!"

I hugged him. "Anyways, I need to go back to all the bridal stuff."

While I was walking over to the study, I texted Taylor. "Better not come over. Taylor is here."

She immediately wrote back. "I won't be back for the next hour anyways. I'm at the police station."

"Why the hell are you at the police station?"

"Long story. See you later!"

An hour later, I heard the doorbell ring. "Here's our best woman! Come on, we need to talk.", I called. "After I've told you the craziest story ever."

"So, what's your crazy story?", I asked after we arrived at the study and I sat down at a desk. "Well..."

And then she told me everything. About how she found out that the shop assistant was working with her ex and called the police.

About how the police arrested her and she told the truth.

About how- Well, I guess that's all. "I'm just not sure, what I should do now! You know, with Taylor.", she called. "Well, I guess you should just talk together. He's here right now and the best man and maid of honor should talk together."

She sighed. "Okay, let's do this!"

We went out of the room and I knocked at the door. "Who is it?", Bill called. "It's us!" I opened the door and found Bill and Taylor, sitting on the bed. "I think it's time for them to talk", I told him and we left the room.

We walked down the stairs in silence.

"I'm kinda worried about Taylor!", I said after we arrived downstairs.


"Well..." I explained him what happened to her.

"Oh... Does Taylor, I mean the other one, know what happened?"

"If Taylor didn't tell him, then no."

"He doesn't wanna talk about her."

"Yeah, same on the other side."

"I hope they get back together. They weren't only really cute, but they're also better off that way."

"I know. Let's see what happens and hope for the best."


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