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Age 16

She knew how i will react to this. She fucking knew, i'll come back running toward her like a fuck damn loyal dog. She knew and yet!

I hate when people try to rule me but still even after trying to stop myself i could'nt. My feet worked on their own accord and took me there like a god damn puppy i was.

I took a deep breath inhaling her scent and rubbing my nose on her neck. She was asleep right now. Without knowing what it took for me to be here right now. My ribs and back are pretty fucked up from the fight. Ryan warned me but after watching another scene of Dad and that bitch i needed to fight.

Sure Ava helps me but even i know she can't handle me. She see what i want her to see. She does'nt see the shit i go through. She still lives in her fairytale life believing one day i'll marry her and we'll have 2.5 babies and a which picket fence house.

I don't want to burst her bubble, Yet!
I know one day she will know everything and i will personally unleash my hell on her but not now.

Right Now i can handle my shit but the day my dam brokes and looses its content. Only god will be her saviour and i'll be her hell.

But sadly i won't ever and i mean e-v-e-r will let her leave me. There won't be a choice for her. Its me and only me. Sure she won't be getting a prince charming like her dreams but there is one thing i'll be giving her from those childish dreams of her and that is, FOREVER.

She was mine, she is mine and she'll be mine forever. There is no other option for her. She does'nt know it yet but she will.

The stunt she pulled today with Marcus was pretty gutsy but soon she'll know what those stunts will get her into and what will be the consequences.
Her soul and heart will know who owns them, again Soon!!!..

Next morning before six i woke up and left Ava sleeping. It almost killed me climbing down that excuse of a ladder her father keeps it there for roof cleaning purposes but again i managed.

After entering my own roon i saw Ryan was up and playing on his phone. I slapped his head and gave him a strict glance. Instantly he dropped his phone on the bed side table and left the room.

After Mom i was the only one who cared if Ryan was even attending the school or not. And with our home's condition it was important he becomes independant as soon as it was possible.

The blond bitch can be pregnant anyday and anyday me and ryan will be living on streets. I just know, Dad will be going to play right on her hands.

Don't consider me some drama queen, its not my imagination. Rachel told me this herself and warned me as well.

After shower and applying some med on my knuckles i walk toward the kitchen and stop in my steps only to see Dad and Rachel making out sickly. I hate them, it was only a month after Mom that they started sleeping together. I used to think Dad was my superman but after catching him in shower with that bitch who was supposed to be my mom's sister and bestfriend killed all of my hopes and dreams.

I change my direction and leave our house. After watching Ava's house i can tell she has already left for school. I call Travis to pick me up for school i still have some issues left to solve with Ava and need to check on Ryan as well.

After 15 minutes Travis picks me up in his convertible.
"Dude! You up for saturday night?" Travis asks while driving.

"I don't know, ask me on Friday" i reply while checking my phone.

"D! You know we can't just call Alex and announce we want an in" Travis rolls his eyes at me.

"Trav don't be a shit, i know what Alex will do or not. I'll handle him just fine" i growl and kicks his dashboard just to get him rilled up.

"DUDE! no! Not cool! if you broke it again i'll be loosing my car rights and then eventually pussy rights, you know Tina won't meet me without the car" Travis whines.

"You really need to loose that greedy bitch and just fucking drive the car then " i shout the last part.

"Whoa! Well what can i do? Huh? We all are not lucky enough to have Ava waiting on us ok! So i'll have whatever i am getting" Travis teases.

They all think Me and Ava are fucking but they don't know we have'nt even really kissed yet but its better this way atleast they know who she belongs to.

After reaching school i leave Travis and started looking for my girl. Finally i found her in collidor with Daisy. As always she's looking so beautiful that i want to stand there and just stare at her whole day.

And like always she feels me and look around her probably looking for me and then our eyes meets and as much cheesy as it may sound but my heart beats slow only to get fast after watching her smile at me with her whole innocence.

I crook my finger at her, calling her to me and cover my emotions with a playfull smirk which causes Ava to frown and Daisy to roll her eyes.

She slowly walks toward me and blushes as soon as she reaches toward me. I lock my hands at her waist causing her to gasp loudly but soon she gives me a little smile telling me she is alright with my display of possession . I love her for this , for always understanding my needs.

"I'll be missing school until monday, do i need to repeat what you already know" i whisper in her ear.

" N-no! I'll behave" she whisper back.

I remove my hand from her waist and start to leave but then i remember " No more Marcus or any other stunt Ava, i am serious when i say you won't like my reaction if i get to know something like that again!" I growls the last part.

"O-okay! But where are you g-going" she asks with little fear in her voice.

" None of your fucking buisness and yeah keep your windows unlock" i know i am an asshole but its necessary for her to know i can never give ger those lovey dovey shit.

I feel her tense but leave before i can crumble at her feet and beg for her forgiveness.
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