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Age 16

"Why are you sitting here alone?" Daisy whines to me.
I sigh "Because he'll be here soon and i missed him today at home"
As soon as i utter those word Daisy stares at me with her disgust look again " i seriously don't believe this! For god sake Ava, can you be anymore doormat over that guy? He is not even nice to you and you are waiting for him like an idiot. You know what? I think i am done with you!" she stomps her foot and leaves me.

I know she's not done, she never is. After all i am her bestfriend, its my right to irritate her. But it also makes me feel guilty. I have started to hide stuff from her, just because of him. I did'nt tell her that he told me to sit her, told me to wait for him until he can see that i am not upto something he won't approve of.

I still remember his unwavering look when he spoke those word "Wait for me or.." there's always a threat attached, Always. And if i am being honest i have started to like that.

Suddenly Goosebumps rises on my body and like always i just know he's here. I look toward the gate and watches his lean but musceled body stalking toward me with his usual predatory look on face. I brace myself for whatever he is about to unleash on me but before he can reach, my sight is blocked by Luke, my classmate.
"hey! Ava can you let me borrow your history notes? Or may be better i can help you with maths and you can give me some lessons on history" he wiggles his eyebrows at me and because of his weird attempt at flirting i burst out laughing and forgets about Dean for a second, just for a second and i am not even allowed that, i hear it in his voice.

"AVA" he sneers behind Luke with the most menacing look which i think even made Luke take a step back " here right now!" i don't even think before my feets take me to him. " he snatches my hand and push my front to his and hugs me with his hands on my waist tightly and places his jaw on my neck before adressing Luke i guess " You see asshole! She's Mine! And your silly attempts at asking her is making me angry so before i show you how properly i own her you better backoff" i try yo break his hold on me but he makes it more unbreakable.

I hear Luke muttering " i just want to be friends with her ok dude! And i think i like Ava to tell me if she has any problem with that"

i close my eyes tightly hoping Dean would let this go but i know he won't.
Dean caresses my ear with his nose and kisses my neck so softly and so opposite to our old encounters and finally lets me go. " Tell him" he snarls those words at me and gives me his best "you better listen to me this time" look.

I take a tired sigh and faces look and utter those word which i know would give immense pleasure to the guy who definetly owns me and my pleasure in the cage of his displeasure. " L-luke i th-think you should go and ask Daisy for the notes, she makes them better than me" i smile my ashamed smile and tries to soften the blow. As soon as i speak those words i feel Dean's hand on my waist like a brand. Luke's face looks hurt but he hurridly covers it with a awkward smile " Oh! Sure Ava as you say" and leaves me with my own brand of addiction killing me day by day softly.

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