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Name:kim namjoon
Title:the leader
What he's capable of:murder and stealing
Extra: he is the same as yoongi,but he is very humble and nice about it,screw it up or him up you'll regret it

Name:kim seokjin
What he's capable of:stealing,murder and validation
Extra: looks innocent but actually isn't when you first meet him,He's quite harmless but DO NOT let that fool you
Name: min yoongi
Title:the planner
What he's capable of: burning,stealing
Extra: He's quite sadistic but he very calm and quiet about it,its intimidating,He's namjoon's second-in-command

Name: jung hoseok
Title:the hacker
What he's capable of: vandalising,stealing
Extra: tends to keep him self in the shadows,very quiet until provoked,very skilled with computers and how to hack them

Name: park jimin
What he's capable of: stealing,fighting,murder
Extra: reckless but slick,graceful but deceiving,calm but hides much emotion,very skilled in hand to hand combat and in various weapons

Name: kim taehyung
Age: 20
What he's capable of: murder,vandalising,stealing
Extra: quiet but dont let it fool ya
Name: jeon jungkook
Age: 21
What he's capable of: fighting,???,murder
Extra: very,very,very unpredictable,could be the nicest person on earth to you but can change to holding a knife to your throat in 0.1 seconds its worrying,snap of a figure his mood changes

Name: (y/n) (l/n)
Age: 19-20 (you choose)
Extra: you're a person who likes to keep themselves to themselves,you have the odd few friends that you know won't kill you when the annual purge happens,you are in collage and you live the normal person life,even though you still worry about who you can trust

Back story of you: the first purge was the worst for you,because that's when you lost your mother and father to someone coming in to the house and brutally killing them,you were out late unfortunately so you weren't there to save them,you vowed from that night you'd never ever purge and you've stuck by it since

Hello,its me Remington back at ya with another book

Now,i understand that none of the boys from bts are actually like this (no shit sherlock) but hey i thought it'll be different but this is technically my first official bts book and double bonus its an x reader (you're welcome) anyway,now the warning there will be violence (again no shit),swearing will be evident too

Im basing this book of some of my own ideas and some from the films,okay? Okay

"May the odds be ever in your favour"

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