The attic

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Hey,so I'm updating again due to a friend giving me ideas for this,anyway enjoy!

~~(Y/n) pov~~

Its 1 hour till the actual purge and here you are feeling quite safe,but also not feeling entirely safe,in your locked down home,all the entries locked (oh so you thought) and secure no one could get in or out without getting your attention first.

~~1 hour later~~

So the dreadful hour has arrived,the moment not everyone has been looking forward to.

You were sitting on your sofa watching an waiting for the dreaded announcement of the shit hole called the purge

"This is not a test,

This is your emergency broadcast system announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge sanctioned by the U.S Government. Weapons of class 4 and lower have been authorized for use during the Purge. All other weapons are restricted. Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from the Purge and shall not be harmed. Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours. Police, fire, and emergency medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning,until 7 A.M, when the Purge concludes. Blessed by our New Founding Fathers and America, a nation reborn.

  May god be with you all."

Your heart could be heard hitting the floor (not literally) and your breath hitching as soon as she finished the speech.

When you finally could bring yourself to get yourself collected you take yourself to get a drink of water or maybe a bit of food,you wanted your mother and your father,you wanted the purge to go away to never exist in a fairly hectic world to start with.

While you were lost in thought you didn't notice the same seven men stood outside your home,as if they were studying it for a way in.

When you went back into your living room to look at your cameras and that's when you spot them,just standing there,outside your house not moving,your heart stopped again sunk to the bottom of your stomach,making you freeze and tense up,your mind raced over every entrance and every opening you could think of in your house,the window in the attic was still open and you didn't know about it.

You then notice your system decided to restart itself and once it had finished the camera only showed that there was only six of the seven men stood in the same place as before,you started to panic,your heartbeat quickened and that's went you heard a creak upstairs after that was heard the panic only increased significantly you then move a strand of your (h/c) hair out of your face and hesitantly moved to go check it out,leaving your hand gun downstairs because you had a feeling that it was just the house making noises due to its age (oh how wrong you are)

~~j-hope's pov~~

He heard as (y/n) walked up the stairs so he didn't waste any time to hack into her system and after he did this the locks on the front and back doors opened with a loud noise signalling that they were open,he nodded at this and hid out of sight in case she walked all the way up into the room

~~(y/n)'s pov~~

You stopped walking mid step as the loud noise of the locks unlocking,you sped back down the stairs as this happens,only to nearly suffer from a heart attack at the sight of the six men stood in your living room,one of them holding the only gun that you own,you panic and turn to run up the stairs but only to meet the chest of the seventh male. You then eye the door and think about sprinting for it,you look over at the men and then back at the made a run for it,it failed when the tallest guy slammed the door shut and stayed in front of the door with his arms crossed.

So that's the chapter,I apologise it took so long to post it,you can thank my friend for that,because I literally had no motivation for this till I met her and she gave me ideas for it,i also apologise if this isn't as good but! I'm also planning on making a part two for this.

I will get back into making more chapters,till then enjoy!

~~Remington out!~~

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