meadows end

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I stood there in my beatiful snowy white wolf form. My eyes glowing bright. For some reason I couldn't shake this feeling as we trotted towards the meadow. The whole pack behind me. I knew something was wrong.

My ears went back and I began whining. Everyone stopped. Confused. I took two steps back. Backing into mariella. Who walked up against me. Leons black wolf turned to face me. Cleary worried. We were on the verge of walking on to the meadow. The tall green grass swayed effortlessly slowly. Daisy wisping as the white petals flew in the starting warm breeze. Before Leon growled deeply at me.

Leon. He. Growled. At. Me.

Mariella stood in front of me. As I begun to cower. I didn't notice the fact it was a protective growl. He whinned in apology as he mindlinked. Me rather scared. I can here two heart beats. I was confused before ash told me.

We're pregnant Eliza.

And then fear took over me. I was about to go to battle with a baby forming in me. Leon wasn't happy. I started to bolt back towards the pack house. Mariella trailed behind me. When we got into the pack house. I started to hyper ventilatate. A panic attack. I felt as though I couldn't breathe. I felt trapped in my head. The pack doctor turned the corner. Years were streaming, not rolling. Streaming down my freckled cheek. Mariella held my wrists keeping me balanced. The thought of nearly losing my little baby. The thought Leon might not return tonight. Worried me. And the fact we might not find melody.

I was checked out by the doctor 8 weeks along. The liquid was cold and sticky. I showered afterward. When I found an anonymous tip under the front door. It read;

Hello Eliza,
I doubt you remember me. But melodys been talking about you. I knew I had to help her get back to her mate and you. I promise to help as everyone but me has left to fight. I'll be waiting for you. Come to the
Old Play House.
New street, Briggs.
You know the old playhouse you, I mean we played in when we were young.

Rose x

I mind linked Thomas and then we set off to save her. We had 46 minutes and 27 secounds. Exactly. Hopefully we could do this...

because if not who knew what the consequences would be

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