Chapter Six

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     Madeline groaned, looking at her caller ID.  Mom, was scrolling across the top, with a photo of her mother below it.  Maddie glanced around the room, seeing that everyone was too preoccupied with either their sister or Brianna.  


     "Madeline Ann Thurman, how could you not call me when you arrived, or today, or any other hour, for that matter?  I have been worried sick.  Is Brianna with you?  I would like to talk to her Madeline."  Maddie glanced around the room again, surprised to see the every ones eyes were now trained on her.

     "Brianna's here.  We're with some friends," Maddie explained hastily, ready to give away her phone to Brianna so she could deal with her mother's wrath.  "You don't know them," she quickly added, though regretting it instantly.

     "What?  You're with people you don't even know?  Is it a boy?  Why did you drag Brianna out into the light of day?  Isn't she mourning?"  During her mother's length interview, Madeline held the phone away from her ear about a foot, barely catching what her mother was saying.

     "Yes, Mom, there are boys here, about five of them.  Does it matter?"

     "Of course it matters!  Grown men tend to take advantage of pretty girls like you and Brianna!" Her mother shrieked.  Madeline had, laughingly, pressed the speaker button so everyone could hear.  It took everything each one of them had to not burst into laughter.  "Put Brianna on the phone.  She's mourning, of course she'll do something stupid like give up what she's been saving for nineteen years."  Madeline obliged, noticing the way Brianna's face contorted into embarrassment.

     "Hey Soni," Brianna cooed, moving closer to the phone.  

     "Brianna Jane Jenne, how could you even think of hanging out with men?"  Brianna all but snorted at that.  

     "Mrs. Thurman, I'm I'm nineteen years old -- I'm an adult.  Don't worry, no sex for me!" Brianna sang off pitch, making everyone grin.  "I'll make sure Maddie doesn't let Louis take advantage of her."  Brianna smirked at Maddie, knowing her mom would go into another fit of twenty questions to figure out who this Louis was.

     "Who are you with, Miss Jenne?" Soni wondered, knowing what Brianna was going to do, but she wasn't going to fall for it.

     "Err-- no one.  Absolutely no one," Brianna laughed nervously, knowing that if she told Soni she was with her ex, the story she had to go by, she would be grilled until her skin fell off.

     "Not all five, are we, Brianna Jane?"  Brianna frowned, her discomfort clearly being shown to everyone.

     "Ex boyfriend, no big deal," another nervous laugh.

     "He's coming back for seconds?  See, I told you!  You're just irresistable!" Soni exclaimed, oblivious to the fact she was on speaker.

     "Oh god, Mrs. Thurman, you're on speaker.  Everyone heard you," Brianna groaned, meeting the eyes of Niall Horan who was only grinning like mad.

     "Maddie's doing?  Well, I have to go.  Lunch date with the girls.  Bye, Brianna, bye Maddie, bye Louis, bye Brianna's ex, bye the others!"  The phone went dead.

     Laughter erupted around the room, Brianna included.  "That wasn't fair, Maddie!  She so should've grilled you like she did me!"

     "My ex-boyfriend isn't back for seconds," Madeline gasped out, leaning against Louis for support, who was laughing just as loudly.

     "Please," Niall said between laughs, "let's call Bri's mom and see what she has to say about her childhood!"  Brianna glared over at him, knowing that if he were to ask, she would oblige.

     "Brianna sings in the shower," Madeline blurted out, unable to control herself.

     "Madeline gets obsessive over things she claims are hers.  Watch out Lou, she'll do it to you, too!"  Brianna glared over at Madeline, who was glaring over at her, too.

     "Brianna writes stories about celebrities and people she knows!"  

     "That was once, and only because you asked me to!  Maddie calls conditioner cream rinse!"

     They shot back at eachother, spilling some of their deepest secrets before Maddie shouted out, "Brianna gave her twin a black eye once!"  It was something so petty in Maddie's mind that she hadn't realized it at first.

     "You have a twin?" Zayn questioned, breaking up their little fight and trying to bring up a different topic.

     "Had, but it doesn't matter."

     "You idiot, Madeline's mother said she was mourning!" Niall exclaimed, looking over at Zayn as if he just killed a person.

     "No, it's alright.  He died, big deal.  We weren't the best of friends, anyway.  Over it."  But she wasn't.


     "I had a really fun time, minus my mom," Maddie said with a small smile at the edge of her lips.  Louis grinned down at her, brushing her hair behind her ear repeatedly until he got a full fledged smile out of her.

     "The guys seemed to like you, and your mom."  They stood outside of her hotel room, just in front of the door.  Louis hadn't gotten enough of Maddie just yet.  

     "They liked Brianna, too.  Though, they have met her before," Maddie mused, reaching up and placing her hand over his own on her face.

     "Can I kiss you?"  His question was sudden -- out of the blue.  Madeline couldn't tell whether to run or to give him one.  Ignoring her first instinct, she nodded.  He smiled even wider, showing off every tooth.  

     They kissed, and it was everything Madeline had hoped for as a thirteen-year-old girl.  Sparks flying, lips just in synch, nothing too sensual, but still sensual.  It was all that rolled into one, and it was just perfect.

     Madeline hoped it would happen again sometime -- sometime soon.

     When Louis pulled away, Madeline was giddy.  Her fingers and toes felt gittery and she wanted to dance.  Louis brushed the hair that had fallen back behind her ear.  "See you later, Maddie."  He left her there, outside of her door, grinning like a fool.

     Madeline decided that calling her best friend was needed.

     "Talk to me," Brianna answered.  A Television was blaring in the background.

     "Louis kissed me!  Oh god, it was perfect!" Madeline gloated, giving her friend details she really didn't want to hear.

     "So he asked first, right?" Brianna wondered, "because if he didn't, Niall says I can beat his ass."

     "You're with him?"

     "I never left Lou's.  Speaker phone!" Brianna sang, hanging up on her friend without a care.  

     Madeline stripped out of her clothes and threw on some pajamas.  She lounged on her bed, watching a reality TV show when consciousness left her.


     I like how some people are commenting with "i love louis" or, "i don't love louis but i love this story".  I was actually hoping for both results!  Thank you so much!

Oh, and Maddie, pleaaaaseeee don't show your mom this or else I'll totally melt.


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